Implementation period 2024-2026
The research proposed in the framework of the project is designed to complement the existing knowledge about the impact of hydrological conditions on the habitat of hydrobionts. The lakes of Western Kazakhstan in the Zhaiyk River basin are mostly of natural value, but not yet fully explored. The selected area is rich in numerous reservoirs that differ both in trophic level and salinity, and some of them represent unique limnological systems and wetlands. Despite the similarity of genesis and geomorphological type, these lakes are characterized by completely different patterns of hydrological and hydrochemical relations, due to the predominance of anthropogenic and natural factors. All water bodies have their own hydrological and ecological features. Therefore, the study of the functioning of individual components of the biotope and biocenosis requires interdisciplinary research. Complex interdisciplinary field studies using GIS technology methods will provide a forecast of changes in the state of lakes in the region under the conditions of modern climatic and anthropogenic changes. Indicators of the level of anthropogenic load, mechanisms of natural processes, the magnitude and types of stress impacts, and the ecological health of lake ecosystems as a whole will be determined. A multi-faceted ecological model of the functioning of lake ecosystems in Western Kazakhstan will be created.
Project goal
The main purpose of the research is to update knowledge about the impact of hydrological conditions in the lakes of Western Kazakhstan on the functioning of these ecosystems using an innovative research methodology.
Project objectives
- Analysis of the current state and changes in the spatial distribution of lakes based on the processing of space images and cartographic materials;
- Study of physical and chemical properties of water and bottom sediments of lakes and main rivers feeding them;
- Sequencing of a representative collection of DNA samples isolated from different water bodies, analysing diversity and searching for environmental factors responsible for the evolution of aquatic communities (focus from microbiology and mycology). Determination of structure and function.
- Phytosociological characterisation of submerged, floating and submerged vegetation and marsh vegetation in the lakeshore zone.
- Analysis of the dependence of the taxonomic structure of plankton and benthos on a set of predictors derived from the study of lakes. Assessment of the species structure and function of pelagic and benthic communities under the influence of a complex of abiotic factors using various modelling methods of analysis.
- Assessment of the current status and prospects of fish species utilisation in lakes. Study of fish productivity, species composition, numerical and sex ratio of species. Determination of structure and function.
- Quantitative assessment of the significance of individual predictors affecting different trophic levels in the studied lakes using artificial intelligence (AI) methods (e.g. artificial neural networks, self-organising maps, etc.).
- Creation of a multifaceted ecological model of functioning of ecosystems of lakes of Western Kazakhstan.
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Expected results
Based on the results of scientific research, data on the current state and changes in the spatial distribution of lakes will be analyzed based on the processing of satellite images and cartographic materials. Physical and chemical properties of water and bottom sediments of lakes and main rivers feeding them will be studied. СеквенированыRepresentative collections of DNA samples isolated from various water bodies in Western Kazakhstan will be sequenced, diversity analysis and search for environmental factors responsible for the evolution of aquatic communities (focus from microbiology and mycology) , and structures and functions will be determined. Phytosociological characteristics of submerged, floating and underwater vegetation and swamp vegetation in the coastal zone of lakes will be given. The dependences of the taxonomic structure of plankton and benthos on the set of predictors obtained during the study of lakes will be analyzed, and the species structure and function of pelagic and benthic communities under the influence of a complex of abiotic factors will be estimated using various model analysis methods. Fish productivity, species composition, numerical and sex ratios of species will be studied, and the current state and prospects of using fish species in lakes will be assessed. The significance of individual predictors affecting various trophic levels in the studied lakes will be quantified using artificial intelligence (AI) methods (for example, artificial neural networks, self-organizing maps, etc.). Multi-faceted ecological models of the functioning of lake ecosystems in Western Kazakhstan will be created. The following will also be published:
- not less than 3 (three) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1st (first), 2nd (second) and (or) 3rd (third) quartile by impactfactor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile CiteScorein Scopus database of at least 60 (sixty) and at least 1 (one) articles or reviews in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by KOKNVO
- or at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1st (first) and (or) 2nd (second) quartile by impactfactor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile CiteScorein the Scopus database of at least 70 (seventy)
- either at least 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded and included in the 1st (first) quartile in the Web of Science database or having a CiteScore percentile CiteScorein the Scopus database of at least 90 (ninety).
Results achieved
The analysis of literature data and natural conditions of lakes in the West Kazakhstan region is carried out.Staritsa lakes (floodplain lakes) are characterized by a short геологическомпланеperiod of existence in Жайыкthe geological plan and are always at different stages of development in the floodplain of the Zhaiyk River. They were formed as a result of meandering and subsequent straightening of the Zhaiyk riverbed. Therefore, this type of water bodies можетбытьcan be a model for predicting the state of lake ecosystems in the process of their formation. 6 floodplain lakes in the floodplain of the Zhaiyk River were studied, two of which (oz.Brusyanoe and oz. Prorva) are located in the steppe zone, two of them (Lake Glubinnoye and Lake Svoboda) are located in the steppe zone. Kolovertnoye) in the semidesert zone and two (Lake Karasu and Lake Karasu) in the semidesert zone. Zhanama) in the desert zone. 4 lakes are located in the right-bank part and 2 lakes in the left-bank part of the Zhaiyk River. To assess eutrophication from physical indicators, the method of determining water transparency is used. The transparency of the floodplain lakes Glubinnoye, Zhanama, Karasu, Kolovertnoye, Brusyanoye was in the range of 30-40 cm and only in Lake Prorva reached 200 cm. Such data on water transparency allow classifying the first group of reservoirs as mesotrophic with signs of eutrophication, and the second group as mesotrophic. Lake-staritsa Glubinnoe (50°19 '32.1" N 51°03 '27.7" E) is formed at the meander of the Zhaiyk River, an area of 2.2 hectares, a small and shallow lake. The formation method is a remnant of the old Zhaiyk riverbed. It is located in the right-bank part of the Zhayyk River, in Акжайыкском районе the Akzhayyk district of the West Kazakhstan region. Lake Prorva (51°14 '42.6" N 51°30'57.6" E), with an area of 5.5 hectares, belongs to the group of old (floodplain) lakes formed on the site of old riverbeds of the ZhaiykRiver, and was previously connected to Lake Kochkar (Koshkar). It is located in the right-bank part of the Zhayyk River, on the lands of the city of Uralsk in the West Kazakhstan region. Lake-staritsa Karasu (48°49 '21.4" N 51°52 '53.7" E), with an area of 129 hectares, belongs to the classic hydrogenic lakes, has a crescent shape. It is located in the left-bank part of the Zhayyk River, in the southern part Акжайыкского района of the Akzhayyk district of the West Kazakhstan region. Lake-staritsa Zhanama (48°53 '48.8" N 51°53'43.6" E), with an area of 107 hectares, belongs to the classic hydrogenic lakes, has a crescent shape. It is located in the left-bank part of the Zhayyk River, in the southern part Акжайыкского района of the Akzhayyk district of the West Kazakhstan region. Lake-staritsa Kolovertnoe (50°35 '52.7" N 51°06 '48.2" E), with an area of 19.2 hectares, belongs to the classic hydrogenic lakes, has a crescent shape. It is located in the right-bank part of the Zhayyk River, in Акжайыкском районе the Akzhayyk district of the West Kazakhstan region. Lake-staritsa Brusyanoe (51°21 '22.9" N 51°50'50.5" E), with an area of 0.65 ha, belongs to the classic hydrogenic lakes, has an elongated shape. It is located in the right-bank part of the Zhaiyk River, Baiterek district of West Kazakhstan region. regions.
Measuring devices were installed to determine the level of humidity and atmospheric pressure in waterbodies.
Aerial photos of water bodies were taken using квадрокоптераthe DJI Mavic3 FIy More Combo RB Uhit quadcopter and thematic maps were compiled. Analysis of the obtained data shows that there are some general trends in the dynamics of the state of the surveyed lakes. Until 2024, due to the low-water period on the Zhaiyk River, some floodplain lakes experienced a decrease in the water level, a reduction in the area of the water mirror, overgrowth from the banks, and the onset of a belt of coastal hygrophytes. In floodplain lakes with runoff and groundwater supply, relative stability in terms of hydrobotanical and physico-chemical parameters was noted. Since 2024, the Zhaiyk River has been entering a high-water period, this year there was a heavy flood, floodplain lakes were filled with water. Prolonged flood flooding of the Zhaiyk River floodplain in the spring and summer period led to water saturation of the upper soil horizons in the floodplain, and an increase in the level of ground water. The soils in the floodplain of the Zhaiyk River were saturated with flood water and the volume of ground water increased. Spring-filled floodplain lakes support the river during low-water periods and provide an acceptable water table for the floodplain ecosystem. The evolution of floodplain lakes is predictable, and gradual and slow extinction as a result of eutrophication and overgrowth is possible. But the rate and scenario of overgrowth depends on certain weather and hydrological conditions.
Work has begun to determine the variability of morphometric characteristics of lakes. Work has begun on the preparation of digital models of the relief. We collected the initial data for creating a digital terrain model. Reference points with known coordinates were selected. The main morphometric parameters of lakes are selected, which will be used to assess their variability: the length of the water mirror, the maximum and average width, the maximum depth, the length of the coastline, the development (indentation) of the coastline, the area of the water mirror and the approximate volume of the water mass.Hydrological measurements of water consumption in lakes and drawing up water balances have been started.The water balance of floodplain lakes has a characteristic feature. In high water, due to the influx of surface water (horizon), the water level in lakes increases by 0.5—3 m. However, over the next 2-5 weeks, it is set at a level close to the low-water mark. Evaporation losses during this period do not exceed 0.1-0.2 m, even in the driest years. Consequently, the decrease in the water level in lakes occurs due to the discharge of accumulated meltwater into aquifers that feed the lakes in low water, which is due to the temporary, lower relative to the water level in the lake, the position of aquifers. Thus, in the spring, the reverse outflow of water from the lake to the aquifers and surrounding strata is established.
To study the physical and chemical properties of bottom sediments in lakes and large tributaries, samples of bottom soil were taken in the following lakes of the West Kazakhstan region: Glubinnoye, Kolovertnoye, Prorva, Brusyanoye, Zhanama (Chumny station), Karasu in three sections each.Qualitative characteristics of the bottom soil included the determination of the following parameters: pH of the water extract, cationic-anionic composition of the water extract (calcium and magnesium ions, chloride ions, bicarbonate ions, sulfate ions, nitrate ions), humidity, organic matter, mobile phosphorus compounds.
The current velocities in the low-water reaches are 0.25-0.60 m / sec. Decreasing downstream where the speed is 0.15-0.30 m /sec.Banks with high cliffs and sandbanks. The height of the banks is from 5-8 meters in the upper part to 4-5 meters in the lower reaches. In places where the banks coincide with the ledges of terraces or the root banks of the valley, the height of the river bank reaches 10-20 meters.The average speed of the current in low water is 4-5 km/h, and in high water — up to 10 km/h.There are no great depths on the Zhaiyk River. Usually the reaches have a depth of 3-4 m, pits — 6-8 m. In the middle reaches, the riverbed is lined with gravel— pebble and sand deposits, in the lower reaches-almost exclusively with sand. Both banks of the river are surrounded by high cliffs-yars. There are especially many of them on the right bank.
One of the objectives of the study is to analyze the hydrochemical regime in the following lakes and major tributaries of the West Kazakhstan region: Glubinnoye, Kolovertnoye, Prorva, Brusyanoye, Zhanama, Karasu in three sections each.Laboratory analysis was carried out in the testing laboratory of ecology and biogeochemistry and the following parameters were determined::hydrophysical parameters (chromaticity, pH of water), cationic-anionic composition (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonates, carbonates, iron), biogenic compounds (ammonium nitrogen, nitrites, nitrates, phosphorous of phosphates), hardness, total alkalinity, permanganate oxidizability and dry residue.
Hydrobiological samples were taken in the summer-autumn period of 2024 from the floodplain lakes of the Zhaiyk River: Brusyanoe(51°21'22.90 N, 51°50'50.51 E) Prorva (51°14'42.60 N, 51°30'57.60 E) Kolovertnoe (50°3552.73 N, 51°06'48.23 E) Glubinnoye (50°19' 32.1 N, 051°03 '27.7 E), Zhanama (48°53'48.77 N, 51°53' 43.61 E) and Karasu (48°49'21.40 N, 51°52 ' 53.73 E). The lake studied was located in different geographical zones. A total of 72 samples of macrozoobenthos and zooplankton were collected from the above-mentioned reservoirs и . пробах Macrozoobenthos samples included 28 taxa related to small-spined worms, crustaceans, gastropods, and насекомамinsects. Among the benthic organisms found, the greatest taxonomic diversity was demonstrated by representatives of insects, including the orders Diptera (11 taxa), Heteroptera (4 taxa), Gastropoda and Ephemeroptera (3 taxa each). Among the order Diptera, the chironomids were most diverse in speciesхирономиды, which included all 11 taxa of this order.Zooplankton species belonging to the 3 main taxonomic groups Rotifera, Cladocera,and Copepoda were identified in the studied waters.
To analyze the microbiological composition of lakes 1 Brusyanoe (n. w., 51°21'22.90 e. d. 51°50'50.51), 2 Glubinnoe(n. w. 50°19'32.1" e. d. 051°03'27.7") and Karasu (n. w. 48°49 ' 21.40", e. d. 51°52 '53.73"), 36 samples were taken, 18 in the summer period, 18 in the autumn period from three points from the surface and depth. Samples for microbiological analysis were taken on cellulose-acetate membranes with a diameter of 25 mm (lot 7049915).
The phytosociological characterization of vegetation in the coastal zone of the lake is a multi-faceted process, where different types of plants play an important role in the ecosystem of water bodies. Each group (submerged, floating, underwater, swamp) has its own characteristics depending on environmental conditions and water level, affecting aquatic ecosystems. To study the phytosociological characteristics of vegetation in lakes and large tributaries, phytocenoses of the following lakes of the West Kazakhstan region were described: in the steppe zone-Prorva, Brusyanoe, semi - desert - Glubinnoye, Kolovertnoye and desert - Zhanama, Karasu, in the floodplain part of the river. The Urals. The species diversity and richness of vegetation is typical for Prorva and Brusyanoe lakes, with the formation of Ceratophyllum demersum, Cyperus lacustris, Lemna tresulca, L. minor, Alisma plantago-aquatica, etc. predominating. The hydrophytic formation with a predominance of Polygonum avicularia, and Ceratophyllum demersum is typical of the Glubinnoye and Kolovertnoye lakes. Vegetation of lakes Zhanama and Karasu is characterized by monoformations with Polygonum avicularia.
Analysis of the chemical composition of macrophytes in lakes and large tributaries, including the root, stem and leaf zones, allows us to understand how these plants interact with the environment, as well as to identify what substances accumulate in different parts of the plant, depending on their function and the impact of environmental factors. The division into root, stem and leaf zones is important because each of these parts of the plant has its own role in absorbing nutrients and elements from water and soil, as well as in metabolic processes. Currentlyпробоподготовка, samples of macrophyte plants are being prepared for achemic analysis.
Ichthyological samples were collected in the following lakes of the West Kazakhstan region: Brusyanoe, Prorva, Kolovertnoye, Glubinnoye, Zhanama and Karasu. As a result of scientific research catches, the species composition of the ichthyofauna of lakes in the West Kazakhstan region was determined, which was characterized by the following fish species: pike, walleye, carp, perch, tench, bream, crucian carp and catfish. The age composition of the fish ranged from 2 to 5 years, and females predominated in the sexual composition.
Research group
Sergaliev Nurlan Khabibullovich-Project Manager, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor,
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (P-7274-2017)
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Christian Obolewski Tadeusz-Research Consultant, PhD, Professor
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID (DYB-3352-2022)
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Ахмеденов Kazhmurat Maksutovich Akhmedenov-Senior Researcher, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Professor,
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (O-7726-2017)
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Kakishev Murat Galikhanov – Senior Researcher, PhD.
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (AR-6321-2020)
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Sarmanov Aibek Ertleuovich-Research associate, Master of Agricultural Sciences.
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (HKE-0868-2023)
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Султанов Yerzhan Sultanov-Research Associate, Master of Agricultural Sciences.
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (LZP-2103-2025)
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Bakiyev Serik Samigullovich-Junior Researcher, Master of Agricultural Sciences.
Scopus Author ID, (
Researcher ID, (AAM-9369-2020)
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Bibigul Balgabayevna Sarsenova Бибигул Балгабаевна, Researcher Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
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Zaripa Khayrolievna Kunasheva, Research Associate, Candidate of Chemical Sciences,
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Sarmanov, A., Matela, M., Sultanov, Y., Sergaliyev, N., & Obolewski, K. Salinisation effects on benthic invertebrate assemblages in shallow lakes in arid and semiarid climate zones //Scientific Reports. – 2024. – Т. 14. – №. 1. – С. 30622.