Code of honor of students

    The code of honour of students of West Kazakhstan state university
    named after M.Utemisov


    We, students of West Kazakhstan state university named after M.Utemisov, being based on the conventional moral values, putting in the forefront mission of West Kazakhstan state university named after M.Utemisov, we consider as the duty observance of rules of business and general ethics, thus, developing personal and professional level, bringing the contribution to prosperity of the university with a view of creation of necessary conditions for gaining the knowledge and formation of an active vital position, we accept the code of behaviour of students of West Kazakhstan state university named after M.Utemisov  1. General regulations
    1.1. The present code defines aesthetic norms of behaviour of students of West Kazakhstan state university named after M.Utemisov 
    1.2. The main mission of students of WKSU named after M.Utemisov is:
    - To become the demanded expert;
    - To take worthy part in cultural, public, economic and political life of the country.
    1.3. The student is obliged to protect and increase the prestige of the university. 2. Ethical standards and rules of behaviour of students at the university
    2.1. Mutual respect. The student should follow the rules of mutual politeness and respect of the faculty, employees,other students.
    2.2. Conscientiousness. Strictly follow the schedule of educational process. To visit obligatory studies, to implement in the target dates all kinds of tasks provided by the curriculum and educational programs. The student should do his best depending to reach good results in study.
    2.3. Discipline. The student should be disciplined, tidy dressed. It is forbidden to be in educational buildings in outer clothing. Actions of students of the university as theft of another's property, a finding at university in a state of intoxication, the use of alcohol, smoking in a building, before the entrance of a building, are inadmissible. In educational buildings loud conversations, noise and other actions, disturbing educational process are forbidden. During the breaks between classes students have a rest in the places for this purpose (squares, halls etc.). Conversations over mobile telephones at classes and in the library, chewing, exhibiting to display of desires, intimate feelings and impulses are categorically inconsistent to ethical standards.

    2.4. Punctuality. The entering of students in the auditorium after the beginning of classes is forbidden to a break. It is inadmissible to enter and leave the auditorium during classes.
    2.5. Activity. The student should take an active part in educational, public and sports life of university.
    2.6. Thrift. Carefully and accurately treat material property: not to put damage to buildings, furniture and other equipment of educational buildings, laboratories, hostels, not to do inscriptions on tables and other places; the Student is obliged to treat accurately library fund of the university.


    2.7. Responsibility. According to the charter of the university the student has the certain rights and duties, bears a private responsibility for following of principles of behaviour of the present Code.
    3. Mutual relations of the student with teachers and a university management.
    3.1. The student when due hereunder can address to a management concerning educational and public work.
    3.2. To follow the rules of ethics, trust to reach honesty and tactfulness.

    4. Mutual relations between students of university
    4.1 Relations between students of the university are built on the basis of mutual relation, trust, cooperation, mutual understanding and mutual aid.
    4.2 Student should be precautionary and tactful in relation to other students, the public criticism of professional or human qualities of other students is not supposed in conversations of students with each other. 5. The conclusion
    5.1 Regulations of the present Code are obligatory for application and observance by all students of university without dependence from mode of study. It is directed on formation of the highly skilled experts, capable to take a worthy part in cultural, public, economic and political life of the Republic.
    5.2 According to the principles and a private responsibility the management of university has the right concerning the student who has broken norm of the present Code, to apply following punishment:
    1) the remark;
    2) the prevention;
    3) reprimand;
    4) strict reprimand with writing in a private profile;
    5) an expelling from the university. 

    (The given document is approved on October, 5th, 2006)


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    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

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