IAAR - 2020
In the General rating of "TOP-20" Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, wksu named after M. Utemisov took the 8th place.
Institutional rating Of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan by areas of bachelor's and master's degree programs
№ |
Name of directions of bachelor's degree programs |
Position |
1 |
Pedagogical science |
7 |
№ |
Name of areas of master's degree programs |
Position |
1 |
Pedagogical science |
5 |
2 |
Arts and Humanities |
10 |
3 |
Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics |
3 |
Rating of TOP-50 teachers of participating universities
№ |
Full name |
Position |
1 |
Iskalieva Aizhan |
38 |
Rating Of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan by groups of educational programs
№ |
Cipher |
Educational programs |
Position |
1 |
В014 |
Training of geography teachers |
2 |
2 |
В015 |
Teacher training in the Humanities |
1 |
3 |
В017 |
Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
3 |
4 |
В021 |
Performing art |
2 |
5 |
В023 |
Instrumental performance |
3 |
6 |
В092 |
Leisure |
1 |
7 |
М003 |
Training teachers without subject specialization |
3 |
8 |
М006 |
Training of music teachers |
2 |
9 |
М016 |
Training of history teachers |
1 |
10 |
М018 |
Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
1 |
11 |
М043 |
Fashion, interior design and industrial design |
1 |
12 |
М087 |
Environmental protection technology |
1 |
IAAR - 2019
In the General rating of "TOP-20" Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, wksu named after M. Utemisov took the 8th place.
In the areas of training specialists – Education-8, Humanities-10, Musical art-3, Services-8.
№ |
Cipher |
Educational programs |
Position |
Education |
1 |
5В010100 |
Preschool education and upbringing |
- |
2 |
5В010200 |
Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
11 |
3 |
5В010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
8 |
4 |
5В010400 |
Initial military training |
- |
5 |
5В010600 |
Musical education |
5 |
6 |
5В010700 |
Fine arts and drawing |
3 |
7 |
5В010800 |
Physical culture and sports |
10 |
8 |
5В010900 |
Mathematics |
10 |
9 |
5В011000 |
Physics |
4 |
10 |
5В011100 |
Іnformatics |
6 |
11 |
5В011200 |
Chemistry |
6 |
12 |
5В011300 |
Biology |
5 |
13 |
5В011400 |
History |
2 |
14 |
5В011500 |
Fundamentals of law and Economics |
- |
15 |
5В011600 |
Geography |
1 |
16 |
5В011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
7 |
17 |
5В011800 |
Russian language and literature |
8 |
18 |
5В011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
7 |
19 |
5В012100 |
Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction |
20 |
5В012200 |
Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction |
4 |
21 |
5В012300 |
Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
6 |
22 |
5В012900 |
Geography and history |
- |
Humanities |
23 |
5В020200 |
International relations |
6 |
24 |
5В020300 |
History |
- |
25 |
5В020500 |
Philology |
4 |
Right |
26 |
5В030100 |
Jurisprudence |
- |
Art |
27 |
5В040200 |
Instrumental performance |
2 |
28 |
5В040300 |
Vocal art |
1 |
29 |
5В040400 |
Traditional musical art |
3 |
30 |
5В040600 |
Direction |
- |
31 |
5В040900 |
Choreography |
3 |
32 |
5В041700 |
Decorative art |
- |
33 |
5В042100 |
Design |
- |
Social Sciences and business |
34 |
5В050100 |
Sociology |
- |
35 |
5В050500 |
Regional studies |
- |
36 |
5В050600 |
Economy |
- |
37 |
5В050700 |
Management |
- |
38 |
5В050800 |
Accounting and audit |
8 |
39 |
5В050900 |
Finance |
- |
40 |
5В051000 |
State and local government |
6 |
41 |
5В051100 |
Marketing |
- |
Natural science |
42 |
5В060200 |
Іnformatics |
- |
43 |
5В060600 |
Chemistry |
- |
44 |
5В060800 |
Ecology |
14 |
45 |
5В060900 |
Geography |
- |
Technical Sciences and technologies |
46 |
5В070300 |
Information system |
14 |
47 |
5В070400 |
Computer engineering and software |
- |
48 |
5В072000 |
Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
- |
49 |
5В072100 |
Chemical technology of organic substances |
- |
Services |
50 |
5В090200 |
Tourism |
5 |
51 |
5В090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
1 |
52 |
5В091000 |
Library science |
- |
Education |
1 |
6М010200 |
Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
- |
2 |
6М010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
- |
3 |
6М010600 |
Musical education |
2 |
4 |
6М010800 |
Physical culture and sports |
- |
5 |
6М010900 |
Mathematics |
4 |
6 |
6М011000 |
Physics |
- |
7 |
6М011200 |
Chemistry |
5 |
8 |
6М011300 |
Biology |
4 |
9 |
6М011400 |
History |
2 |
10 |
6М011600 |
Geography |
- |
11 |
6М011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
5 |
12 |
6М011800 |
Russian language and literature |
2 |
13 |
6М011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
3 |
Humanities |
- |
14 |
6М020300 |
History |
- |
15 |
6М020500 |
Philology |
5 |
Art |
- |
16 |
6М042100 |
Design |
- |
Social Sciences and business |
- |
17 |
6М050300 |
Psychology |
- |
18 |
6М050600 |
Economy |
- |
19 |
6М050700 |
Management |
- |
20 |
6М051000 |
State and local government |
- |
Natural science |
- |
21 |
6М060100 |
Mathematics |
- |
22 |
6М060700 |
Biology |
5 |
23 |
6М060800 |
Ecology |
8 |
Services |
24 |
6М090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
- |
IAAR - 2018
In the general rating of "top-20" universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, WKSU named after M. Utemisov took the 11th place.
In the areas of training specialists – Еducation -10, Musical art -2.
№ |
Cipher |
Educational programs |
Position |
Еducation |
1 |
5В010100 |
Preschool education and training |
- |
2 |
5В010200 |
Бастауышта оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі |
11 |
3 |
5В010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
- |
4 |
5В010400 |
Initial military training |
- |
5 |
5В010600 |
Music education |
5 |
6 |
5В010700 |
Fine Arts and drawing |
5 |
7 |
5В010800 |
Physical Culture and sports |
7 |
8 |
5В010900 |
Mathematics |
13 |
9 |
5В011000 |
Physics |
5 |
10 |
5В011100 |
Іnformatics |
6 |
11 |
5В011200 |
Chemistry |
5 |
12 |
5В011300 |
Biology |
4 |
13 |
5В011400 |
History |
3 |
14 |
5В011500 |
Fundamentals of law and Economics |
- |
15 |
5В011600 |
Geography |
4 |
16 |
5В011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
7 |
17 |
5В011800 |
Russian language and literature |
10 |
18 |
5В011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
7 |
19 |
5В012100 |
Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction |
20 |
5В012200 |
Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction |
4 |
21 |
5В012300 |
Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
5 |
22 |
5В012900 |
Geography and history |
- |
Humanities |
23 |
5В020200 |
International relations |
7 |
24 |
5В020300 |
History |
- |
25 |
5В020500 |
Philology |
4 |
Right |
26 |
5В030100 |
Jurisprudence |
- |
Art |
27 |
5В040200 |
Instrumental performance |
2 |
28 |
5В040300 |
Vocal art |
2 |
29 |
5В040400 |
Traditional musical art |
4 |
30 |
5В040600 |
Direction |
- |
31 |
5В040900 |
Choreography |
- |
32 |
5В041700 |
Decorative art |
- |
33 |
5В042100 |
Design |
- |
Social Sciences and business |
34 |
5В050100 |
Sociology |
- |
35 |
5В050500 |
Regional studies |
- |
36 |
5В050600 |
Economy |
- |
37 |
5В050700 |
Management |
- |
38 |
5В050800 |
Accounting and audit |
5 |
39 |
5В050900 |
Finance |
- |
40 |
5В051000 |
State and local government |
- |
41 |
5В051100 |
Marketing |
- |
Natural science |
42 |
5В060200 |
Іnformatics |
- |
43 |
5В060600 |
Chemistry |
- |
44 |
5В060800 |
Ecology |
18 |
45 |
5В060900 |
Geography |
- |
Technical Sciences and technologies |
46 |
5В070300 |
Information system |
- |
47 |
5В070400 |
Computer engineering and software |
- |
48 |
5В072000 |
Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
- |
49 |
5В072100 |
Chemical technology of organic substances |
- |
Services |
50 |
5В090200 |
Tourism |
4 |
51 |
5В090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
3 |
52 |
5В091000 |
Library science |
- |
Education |
1 |
6М010200 |
Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
- |
2 |
6М010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
- |
3 |
6М010600 |
Musical education |
3 |
4 |
6М010800 |
Physical culture and sports |
- |
5 |
6М010900 |
Mathematics |
- |
6 |
6М011000 |
Physics |
- |
7 |
6М011200 |
Chemistry |
- |
8 |
6М011300 |
Biology |
4 |
9 |
6М011400 |
History |
- |
10 |
6М011600 |
Geography |
- |
11 |
6М011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
8 |
12 |
6М011800 |
Russian language and literature |
2 |
13 |
6М011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
5 |
Humanities |
14 |
6М020300 |
History |
- |
15 |
6М020500 |
Philology |
8 |
Art |
16 |
6М042100 |
Design |
- |
Social Sciences and business |
17 |
6М050300 |
Psychology |
- |
18 |
6М050600 |
Economy |
- |
19 |
6М050700 |
Management |
- |
20 |
6М051000 |
State and local government |
- |
Natural science |
21 |
6М060100 |
Mathematics |
- |
22 |
6М060700 |
Biology |
- |
23 |
6М060800 |
Ecology |
- |
Services |
24 |
6М090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
- |
NCE «Atameken»

Atameken - 2023
Rating of educational programs of NCE "Atameken" 2023
Group of educational programs |
Code and name of the educational program |
Place |
2023 |
В043 Librarianship, information processing and archiving |
6В03201 Librarianship |
1 of 3 |
В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature |
6В01702 Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction |
* |
В004 Training of primary military training teachers |
6В01401 Initial military training |
4 of 14 |
В037 Philology |
6В02302 Russian philology |
7 of 12 |
6В02301 Kazakh philology |
В028 Choreography |
6В02105 Choreography |
9 of 11 |
В019 Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
6В01801 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
1 of 9 |
В002 Preschool education and upbringing |
6В01201 Preschool education and upbringing |
13 of 22 |
В031 Fashion, interior design and industrial design |
6В02123 Fashion design |
3 of 6 |
В011 Training of Computer science teachers |
6В01506 Computer science (education) |
8 of 14 |
6В01518 Computer Science and Robotics |
1 of 5 |
В009 Training of teachers of mathematics |
6В01501 Mathematics (education) |
5 of 23 |
6В01502 Mathematics-physics |
6 of 9 |
В015 Training of humanitarian subjects teachers |
6В01601 History (education) |
8 of 26 |
В010 Training of physics teachers |
6В01504 Physics (education) |
* |
В007 Training of Art and Drawing teachers |
6В01405 Fine art and drawing |
3 of 14 |
В034 History and archaeology |
6В01504 History (science) |
3 of 10 |
В003 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
6В01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
16 of 32 |
В006 Music teacher training |
6В01404 Music education |
11 of 20 |
В017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
6В01704 Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction |
3 of 4 |
В057 Information technologies |
6В06103 Computer engineering and software |
21 of 55 |
В046 Finance, Economics, Banking and insurance business |
6В04105 Finance |
* |
В092 Leisure |
6В11102 Cultural and leisure work |
2 of 9 |
В013 Training of Biology teachers |
6В01509 Biology (education) |
7 of 23 |
В018 Training of foreign language teachers |
6В01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages |
13 of 37 |
В012 Training of Chemistry teachers |
6В01507 Chemistry |
* |
6В01508 Chemistry-biology |
14 of 16 |
В001 Pedagogy and psychology |
6В01101 Pedagogy and psychology |
8 of 33 |
В014 Training of geography teachers |
6В01510 Geography (education) |
* |
6В01512 Geography-history |
7 of 12 |
В091 Tourism |
6В11101 Tourism |
24 of 29 |
В031 Fashion, interior design and industrial design |
6B02107 Design |
16 of 20 |
В047 Marketing and advertising |
6В04114 Marketing |
* |
В005 Training of physical education teachers |
6В01402 Physical education and sports |
9 of 39 |
В045 Audit and Taxation |
6В04111 Accounting and Auditing |
10 of 60 |
В140 International relations and Diplomacy |
6В03102 International relations |
6 of 19 |
В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature |
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature |
17 of 34 |
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature |
19 of 34 |
В044 Management and Control |
6В04101 Economy |
* |
6В04108 Economy and management |
10 of 50 |
6В04106 State and local administration |
* |
В049 Right |
6В04202 Law |
14 of 57 |
В057 Information technologies |
6В06102 Information systems |
26 of 58 |
В052 Earth Science |
6В05204 Geography (science) |
3 of 7 |
В051 Environment |
6В05201 Ecology |
27 of 32 |
В038 Sociology |
6В03101 Sociology |
* |
В053 Chemistry |
6В05301 Chemistry (science) |
* |
В017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
6В01703 Russian language and literature |
12 of 18 |
* "unrepresentative data". According to paragraph 5.4.2 of the Methodology for forming the rating of educational programs of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the results of calculations of educational programs with less than 5 graduates are unrepresentative, respectively, are not subject to ranking in the Rating
Atameken - 2021
Rating of educational programs of NCE "Atameken" 2021
Group of educational programs |
Code and name of the educational program |
1 |
2 |
4 |
В004 Training of primary military training teachers |
6В01401 Initial military training |
1 of 14 |
В014 Training of geography teachers |
6В01510 Geography |
2 of 17 |
В002 Preschool education and upbringing |
6В01201 Preschool education and upbringing |
2 of 19 |
В007 Training of Art and Drawing teachers черчения |
6В01405 Fine art and drawing |
2 of 13 |
В013 Training of Biology teachers |
6В01509 Biology |
2 of 25 |
В015 Training of teachers in humanitarian subjects |
6В01601 History |
3 of 25 |
В092 Leisure |
6В11102 Cultural and leisure work |
3 of 7 |
В037 Philology |
6В02302 Russian philology |
3 of 4 |
В028 Choreography |
6В02105 Choreography |
3 of 6 |
В012 Training of Chemistry teachers |
6В01507 Chemistry |
4 of 18 |
В003 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
6В01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
4 of 31 |
В006 Music teacher training |
6В01404 Music education |
4 of 15 |
В031 Fashion, interior design and industrial design |
6В02123 Fashion design |
4 of 9 |
В001 Pedagogy and psychology |
6В01101 Pedagogy and psychology |
5 of 32 |
В017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
6В01704 Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction |
5 of 6 |
В019 Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
6В01801 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
5 of 11 |
В010 Training of physics teachers |
6В01504 Physics (education) |
5 of 14 |
В034 History and archaeology |
6В01504 History (science) |
6 of 9 |
В009 Training of teachers of mathematics |
Mathematics (education) |
6 of 26 |
В017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
6В01703 Russian language and literature |
6 of 14
В037 Philology |
6В02301 Kazakh philology |
7 of 13
В049 Right |
6В04202 Law |
8 of 61 |
В031 Fashion, interior design and industrial design |
6B02107 Design
9 of 18
В091 Tourism |
6В11101 Tourism |
11 of 31 |
В046 Finance, Economics, Banking and insurance business |
6В04105 Finance |
11 of 74 |
В018 Training of foreign language teachers |
6В01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages |
11 of 42 |
В044 Management and Control |
6В04106 State and local administration |
11 of 39 |
В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature |
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature |
13 of 36 |
В140 International relations and Diplomacy |
6В03102 International relations |
14 of 22 |
В045 Audit and Taxation |
6В04111 Accounting and Auditing |
16 of 65 |
В057 Information technologies |
6В06102 Information systems |
17 of 54 |
В051 Environment |
6В05201 Ecology |
25 of 27 |
В044 Management and Control |
6В04101 Economy |
38 of 53 |
В038 Sociology |
6В03101 Sociology |
* |
В011 Training of Computer science teachers |
6В01506 Computer science |
* |
В057 Information technologies |
6В06103 Computer engineering and software |
* |
Atameken - 2020
Rating of educational programs of NCE "Atameken" 2020
Group of educational programs |
Code and name of the educational program |
1 |
2 |
4 |
В001 Pedagogy and Psychology |
6В01101 Pedagogy and Psychology |
15 of 43 |
В002 Preschool education and upbringing |
6В01201 Preschool education and upbringing |
4 of 22 |
В003 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
6В01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
1 of 37 |
В007 Training of Art and Drawing teachers |
6B01406 Art work and design at school |
2 of 8 |
В011 Training of Computer science teachers |
6В01506 Computer science |
2 of 25 |
В012 Training of Chemistry teachers |
6В01507 Chemistry |
12 of 19 |
В013 Training of Biology teachers |
6В01509 Biology |
4 of 28 |
В014 Training of Geography teachers |
6В01510 Geography |
3 of 18 |
В015 Training of teachers in humanitarian subjects |
6В01601 History |
3 of 27 |
В016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature |
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature |
14 of 43 |
В017 Training of teachers of Russian language and literature |
9 of 12 |
В018 Training of foreign language teachers |
6В01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages |
22 of 52 |
В031 Fashion, design |
6В Design |
6 of 23 |
6В02123 Fashion design |
4 of 6 |
6В02124 Interior design |
1 of 4 |
В037 Philology |
6В02301 Philology: Kazakh philology |
9 of 18 |
6В02302 Philology: Russian philology |
В038 Sociology |
6В03101 Sociology |
- |
В140 International relations and Diplomacy |
6В03102 International relations |
15 of 21 |
В044 Management and Control |
6В04102 Management |
- |
В045 Audit and Taxation |
6В04111 Accounting and Auditing |
30 of 71 |
В046 Finance, Economics, Banking and insurance business |
6В04105 Finance |
29 of 74 |
6В04101 Economy |
- |
В044 Management and Control |
6В04106 State and local administration |
1 of 39 |
В047 Marketing and Advertising |
Marketing |
13 of 16 |
В049 Right |
6В04202 Law |
11 of 62 |
В051 Environment |
6В05201 Ecology |
24 of 35 |
В057 Information technologies |
6В06102 Information systems |
19 of 55 |
6В06103 Computer engineering and software |
13 of 50 |
В091 Tourism |
6В11101 Tourism |
- |
В092 Leisure |
6В11102 Cultural and leisure work |
1 of 10 |
Atameken - 2019
Rating of NCE RK "Atameken" for 2019
Bachelor's degree programs of the M. Utemisov WKSU |
Position |
Education |
1 |
5В010100 |
Preschool education and upbringing |
8 of 22 |
2 |
5В010200 |
Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
11 of 38 |
3 |
5В010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
12 of 41 |
4 |
5В010900 |
Mathematics |
11 of 28 |
5 |
5В011000 |
Physics |
5 of 19 |
6 |
5В011100 |
Computer science |
13 of 26 |
7 |
5В011200 |
Chemistry |
5 of 24 |
8 |
5В011300 |
Biology |
1 of 29 |
9 |
5В011400 |
History |
6 of 29 |
10 |
5В011600 |
Geography |
7 of 23 |
11 |
5В011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
6 of 46 |
12 |
5В011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
6 of 53 |
13 |
5В010700 |
Fine arts and drawing |
5 of 19 |
Humanities |
14 |
5В020200 |
International relations |
15 of 23 |
15 |
5В020500 |
Philology |
12 of 18 |
Social Sciences and business |
16 |
5В050800 |
Accounting and audit |
23 of 70 |
17 |
5В050900 |
Finance |
44 of 73 |
18 |
5В050600 |
Economy |
12 of 67 |
19 |
5В050100 |
Sociology |
3 of 5 |
Right |
20 |
5В030100 |
Jurisprudence |
9 of 64 |
Natural science |
21 |
5В060800 |
Ecology |
14 of 37 |
Technical Sciences and technologies |
22 |
5В070400 |
Computer engineering and software |
16 of 45 |
23 |
5В070300 |
Information system |
34 of 56 |
24 |
5В072100 |
Chemical technology of organic substances |
7 of 17 |
Услуги |
25 |
5В090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
1 of 8 |
26 |
5В090200 |
Tourism |
29 of 34 |
Искусство |
27 |
5В042100 |
Design |
14 of 35 |
Atameken - 2018
Rating of NCE RK "Atameken" for 2018
Bachelor's degree programs of the M.Utemisov WKSU |
Position |
Education |
1 |
5В010100 |
Preschool education and upbringing |
21 |
2 |
5В010200 |
Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
27 |
3 |
5В010300 |
Pedagogy and psychology |
39 |
4 |
5В010800 |
Physical culture and sports |
22 |
5 |
5В010900 |
Mathematics |
11 |
6 |
5В011000 |
Physics |
2 |
7 |
5В011100 |
Іnformatics |
6 |
8 |
5В011200 |
Chemistry |
7 |
9 |
5В011300 |
Biology |
4 |
10 |
5В011400 |
History |
10 |
11 |
5В011600 |
Geography |
18 |
12 |
5В011700 |
Kazakh language and literature |
19 |
13 |
5В011900 |
Foreign language: two foreign languages |
15 |
Humanities |
14 |
5В020200 |
International relations |
11 |
15 |
5В020500 |
Philology |
18 |
Social Sciences and business |
16 |
5В050800 |
Accounting and audit |
30 |
17 |
5В050900 |
Finance |
21 |
18 |
5В050600 |
Economy |
61 |
19 |
5В050700 |
Management |
50 |
Right |
20 |
5В030100 |
Jurisprudence |
46 |
Natural science |
21 |
5В060200 |
Іnformatics |
11 |
22 |
5В060800 |
Ecology |
15 |
Technical Sciences and technologies |
23 |
5В070400 |
Computer engineering and software |
47 |
24 |
5В070300 |
Information system |
24 |
25 |
5В072000 |
Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
10 |
26 |
5В072100 |
Chemical technology of organic substances |
17 |
Services |
27 |
5В090600 |
Cultural and leisure work |
9 |
28 |
5В090200 |
Tourism |
6 |