Commercialization center

    Ermekkaliev Taras Serikkalievich
    Ermekkaliev Taras Serikkalievichhead of the сenter

    The center of commercialization is structural division of the university and carries out the activity in the sphere of protection and commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities (RSTA) of the teachers’ staff and students of the university.

    The purpose of the center of commercialization is planning and organization of the works on protection and implementation of the results of research and development works in production for the purpose of commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities (RSTA) of the teachers’ staff and students of the university.

    Main objectives of the office of commercialization: 

    1. Planning, coordination and monitoring of the activities of faculties and scientific divisions in the field of commercialization of the RSTA;
    2. Carrying out marketing researches and development of recommendations about introduction of the RSTA in production for the purpose of its commercialization;
    3. Implementation of activities on search of sources of financing for commercialization of the RSTA;
    4. Organization and coordination of interaction of the university with other research establishments and manufacturing enterprises, the international organizations of support of commercialization of the RSTA;
    5. Implementation of activities and organization of the events on training of the university scientists and staff in bases of commercialization of the RSTA, protection of intellectual property rights, etc.

    Address: WKR, Uralsk, N. Nazarbaeva Ave. 162, office 101

    Phone: +7 (7112) 26 - 06 - 25

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Our address

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

    tel/fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32, +7 (7112) 51 42 66, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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