Chairman of the Board - Rector
Sergaliyev Nurlan Habibullovich
Chairman of the Board-Rector of Makhambet Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, candidate of biological science, professor
Reception time: wednesday, 15.00-17.00
Sergaliyev Nurlan Habibullovich, was born on December 24, 1969 in a Taskala village of Taskalinsky Region at West Kazakhstan in a family of rural teachers.
In 1985 he finished Beloglinsky secondary school and entered the same year agricultural technical school in Uralsk. In 1989 graduated a technical school with honors. In 1989 entered the K.A. Timiryazev Moscow agricultural academy on the specialty "Agronomics" and graduated the academy with a qualification of agroecologist in 1994 with honors. In 1994 Sergaliyev arrived on internal office of a postgraduate studies at All-Russian Research Institute of Fertilizers and Agricultural Science. After graduation he received an academic degree of the Candidate of Biologcal Sciences. After finishing a postgraduate study, Nurlan Habibullovich came back to the hometown of Uralsk. Since August 1998 Sergaliyev Nurlan Habibullovich develops his career in various positions, starting with senior teacher, head of a department, deputy dean of the faculty of agrobusiness and ecology, director of a research institute and as vice rector for scientific work at West Kazakhstan agricultural university. During the period 2014-2017 he worked as a rector of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university.
Nurlan Habibullovich has more than 150 scientific publications in biological direction, including preservation of a biodiversity, microbiology and ichthyology. He is an author of 5 patents.
In 2015 Prof. Sergaliyev was awarded as the project manager a state award of al-Farabi in science and technology for a cycle of research works on development of scientific and technical bases and creation of infrastructure of sturgeon breeding in Kazakhstan.
Sergaliyev Nurlan Habibullovich has the following encouragements, state awards and honorary titles:
In 2003 received a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For the development of cooperation in the fields of Education and Science";
In 2006 awarded with the certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For the achievements on the ways of spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and for the contribution to its prosperity";
In 2007 awarded a state grant as "The best teacher of Higher Eeducation Institution";
In 2009 awarded "Honourable educator of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in 2010 a a chest sign "For merits in development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
In 2013 received a letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For the contribution to education of younger generation, for achievements in the development of education system and for the long-term work";
In 2015 awarded with an anniversary medal "20 years of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan" and received same year al-Farabi State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Science and Technology.
Sergaliyev Nurlan Habibullovich has an active living position, being engaged in social work. He is a deputy of the regional government (maslikhat), a member of Nur Otan party, a member of the state Commission for the Assignment of Hunting and Fishery Lands for Nature Users. Moreover, Nurlan Habibullovich carries out the following public duties:
- A Chairman of the constant commission of Nur Otan party on agrarian questions.
- A Chairman of Advisory Council of the WKR on execution and implementation of drafts of the program of modernization of public consciousness Rukhany Zhangiru.
- A member of the state commission of the WKR on distribution of means of subsidies in agro-industrial complex.
- A member of the commission on distribution of grants to training in Hhigher Eeducation Institutions at the expenses of the regional budget.
Nurlan Habibullovich is also a member of the Board of trustees of School No. 7 in Uralsk and of the Supervisory board of RSE "Regional Clinical Hospital".
Marital status: married, has two children.
Member of the Board - Vice-rector in academic affairs
Kaysagalieva Gulzhakhan Smailovna
Member of the Board – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Reception time: wednesday, 15.00-17.00
The address: Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave, 162
Phone: 8(7112) 51-41-63
Fax: 8(7112) 51-41-63
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mission: Assistance to educational preparation of experts of new generation, competitive in the educational market.
The purposes:
1. Planning, coordination and an operational administration of educational process;
2. Improvement of quality of preparation of the qualified experts taking into account requirements of a labour market and employers;
The basic lines of activity:
- Preparation of highly skilled experts with technical and professional, post-secondary the higher and post-university formation for various branches of manufacture, economy and social spheres of the region;
The structure includes:
1. Department of Academic Activities
- Project Office OP
- Department of planning and organization of the educational process
- Registrar's Office
- Career and Employment Center
2. Marketing and Career Guidance Center
3. Department of Innovative Technologies and Digitalization
- Information Technology Center
- Department of Methodological Work and Educational Technologies
- Distance Learning Center
- Professional Development Center.
Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations

Reception time: thursday, 15.00-17.00
Phone: 8(7112) 50-34-77
Fax: 8(7112)
Mission: Continuous development of the system of higher and postgraduate education based on the integration of science education and production, in order to ensure high quality training and sustainable development of the university.
Goals: Enhancing the contribution of science to the diversification of the economy and the sustainable development of the country
Main activities:
1. Improving the development policy of research activities through the creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of scientific and creative initiatives and the effective performance of research functions of the faculty, staff and students of the university.
2. Development of scientific potential based on the preparation of masters in the specialties of the university, PhDs in domestic and foreign institutions of higher education and the passage of scientific internships in the republic and abroad.
3. Implementation of fundamental, applied, innovative, exploratory research and developmental works in pedagogical, physical, mathematical, biological, historical, chemical, geographical, philological, economic, technical research areas in accordance with the priorities of state development programs of the country and strategic documents the university on the basis of the implementation of grant, program-targeted, contractual and intra-university projects;
4. Update and expand the scientific and technical base to meet the needs of research departments and university scientists.
5. Implementation of the results of theses and master's theses into practice through effective cooperation with social partners and economic entities of West Kazakhstan region and neighboring regions, as well as the presentation of results in the form of start-up projects.
6. Increasing the volume of attracted funds for the implementation of scientific research based on the development of relevant projects and participation in grant, program-targeted competitions of sectoral ministries, tenders of business entities, public procurement of local executive bodies, as well as through the involvement of the business environment in the development of science through expansion co-financing mechanisms.
7. Development of international relations in the field of science and commercialization through participation in international competitions and start-up projects, attracting foreign scientists to implement funded projects, conduct joint research and introduce the results of scientific and technical activities into production in the framework of consortia, agreements, contracts, etc.
8. Strengthening the work on the formulation of the results of research activities of the faculty and university staff in the form of articles, monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and their use in the educational process.
9. To ensure the growth of the number of publications of scientists and staff of the university in international rating scientific journals with impact factor for integration into the global scientific space.
10. Protection of intellectual property rights for scientific research of scientists and employees of the university based on obtaining certificates of state registration of rights to objects of copyright and patents in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11. Commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities through the development of entrepreneurial literacy of scientists and university staff, the implementation of the results of contractual projects in production, transfer and sale of scientific and technological developments to enterprises and institutions on the basis of licensing agreements and products, as well as the implementation of start-up projects.
12. The development of research work of students through the active use in the educational process of tasks with a scientific search and research nature, the effective organization of student scientific associations, involvement in the implementation of scientific research in the framework of the implementation of grant, program-oriented, contractual and inter-university projects participation in regional, republican, international scientific and creative competitions, contests, conferences, forums, congresses, etc.
13. System-wide monitoring and compilation of the performance rating of research and development work of the faculty, staff and departments with the aim of developing a system of motivation and effective organization of research activities of the university. The structure includes (departments or employees):
1. Commercialization Office
2. Department of Science and International Relations
3. Testing laboratory of ecology for biogeochemistry
4. Scientific Library
5. Editorial and publishing center
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Vice rector for educational work and social problems
Suleimenov Mergen Kuanyshuly
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Vice rector for educational work and social problems
Reception time: tuesday, 15.00-17.00
The address: N.Nazarbayev ave, 162, building №1 , Room 213
Phone: 8(7112) 51-51-90
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mission: preparation of highly skilled experts, professionals with high moral and spiritual qualities.
The purposes and problems:
- Formation of the person of the future expert corresponding to requirements of a modern society, possessing all leader qualities;
- Forming and popularisation of accurate, clear for youth model of behaviour of the expert claimed on a labour market. The basic directions of social and educational policy of the university:
1. The youth policy;
2. The sociocultural environment;
3. Corporate patriotism of university society.
1. Department on educational work;
2. The youth centre of development:
- Student's self-management;
- Trade union of students of WKSU;
- Debate centre "Аkikat";
- «Zhas economist»;
- Student's club «Dostyk».
4. Sport club;
5. A museum;
6. A first-aid post.
The student's youth of university passes various steps of development of the person during training, gradually getting the competence which is expressed in self-determination, self-affirmation and self-improvement of the trained.
The department of educational work spends work on an explanation of state language policy and ethno policy, on a non-admission of conflicts in the student's environment, education of students immunity to destructive religious ideology, understanding of a place and a religion role in a society is of important value.
One of significant actions is 20 years of Independence of Kazakhstan. All planned actions were conducted at high level.
The university staff of teachers and lectures intends to meet 80-year-old anniversary of university with concrete results.
Assistent of rector
Assistant to the rector for General Affairs - Duisenbaev Torehan Ersainovich
Address: Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave, 162.
Phone: 8(7112) 26-03-81
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32
Cell phone: +7 778 338 91 05 (WhatsApp)
Press service
The press service of the WKSU is a structural unit of the University and provides the media of the city with comprehensive information on university events and team achievements;
The press service of the University and the IT center provided training and placement of a large number of informational-analytical, image and other materials in the media for the 2017-2018 academic years.
It was released 36 news blocks (in Kazakh language – 21, in Russian language – 15). All of them are posted on the WKSU website ( and on the YouTube channel WKSU video news During the academic year, the activities of the University were systematically covered in the media:
- in the republican print media (newspapers "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", "Yegemen Kazakhstan", "Ana tili", magazine "Ustaz", " Ak Zhayyk. kz", "Modern education", etc.), on republican television broadcasting (KAZTRK "Kazakhstan", "Khabar", "24 KZ") - 42 (in Kazakh), 29 (in Russian) publications/programs;
- regional mass media (social and political newspaper "Oral oniri", "Priuralye", "Zhaiyk uni", "Puls goroda", regional television "Kazakhstan Oral", city television "TDK–42") - 170 (in Kazakh), 91 (in Russian) publications/programs;
- There were 10 issues of the university student newspaper "Orken".
The press service oversees the page of the website "Mass media about us".
During the academic year, the press service places advertising material for applicants on the pages of regional and republican media. Promotional materials on the state program "Mangilik El"- "Serpin-2050" are published in the media of southern regions of Kazakhstan.
December 20, 2018. – "Priuralye" Altyn dombyra u Zhansai
December 25, 2018.– "Priuralye" Ustremleny v budushee N.Sergaliev.