Conference collections published in the PC

    Collections of conferences published in the PC at M. Utemisov  WKSU (2018)


    1 Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference Preservation of national identity: theory and Kazakhstan experience
    2 Materials of the international scientific conference Actual problems of folklore and literary study of local lore
    3 Materials of the international scientific conference Strengthening the health of the nation through physical culture and sports
    4 Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference The modern look of youth in the light of the concept of “Rukhani Zhangyru”: prospects and innovative approaches
    5 Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages using innovative technologies at school and university
    6 Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference Ivanovo Readings -2018
    7 Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference “Artistic work: the best examples of modern Kazakhstani culture, a synthesis of theory, methodology and practice”, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the cult fact. and lawsuit. (hud.-graph. fact)
    8 Proceedings of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Kazhym Zhumaliev and Current Issues of Modern Literature Science", dedicated to the Heritage of Academician Kazhym Zhumaliev within the "Spiritual Revival" Program
    9 Materials of the IV regional educational-methodical seminar "Professor K.Zh. Myrzagaliev's pedagogical heritage and modern education system (updated content of teaching Kazakh language and literature) », dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Methodist Scientist, Literary Researcher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Kalimolla Murzagalievich



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