Scientific library

    {tab=Goals}Director: Alimbekerova Toty Erkinovna

    Address: Prospekt Dostyk, 162

    Phone: 8 (7112) 51-29-88

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." mce_href="mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">

    Website Research Library:

    Library West Kazakhstan State University im.M.Utemisova was created since the founding of the Ural Pedagogical Institute on the basis of the fund Orenburg real school in 1932 and is one of the oldest university libraries in Kazakhstan.

    The University Library has a unique collection of old and rare books dating back to 18-19 centuries. The oldest monument of the Old Church Slavonic writing, the book "Ostrom Gospel" has been rewritten in Russia deacon Gregory Greek original in 1056-1057 gg. The book is named for Novogorodskaya governors and mayor Ostromir and kept clearly in Novogorodskaya, Saint Sophia Cathedral, and then ended up in Moscow. Also in the collection of rare books are stored "Arithmetic Magnitsky", "Encyclopedic Dictionary brothers Garnet", "Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron", more than 300 names, "Lives of Remarkable People".

    Collected and updated by the fund printing, research papers of the faculty of the University. 

    The library is a leading structural unit of the University, providing literature, educational and scientific process. 

    Holdings are about 1 million. Items. Each year, the library served 28,785 readers, such as loans of 1,153,367 copies.

    The library has a well-coordinated team of specialists with higher professional education - 21 people. 

    Mission: To provide access to a vast array of information, supporting information culture readers. Competently and carefully serve readers bundling, organizing and providing books and other materials.


    - formation of book collections in accordance with the educational process and the needs of readers;

    - efficient service to readers on the basis of the book fund management and access to other information resources: the University, region, country.


    - to form and maintain the fund as part of the cultural heritage of the country and information;

    - provide services through the introduction of new information technologies and the computerization of library and information processes, which will provide information not only about their own funds, but also on remote sources of information;

    - coordinate the activities of the library with the departments, scientific and public organizations;

    - raise the professional level, developing the training of library staff in accordance with modern requirements and professional standards.

    - to create a comfortable environment for staff and library users.

    {tab=Areas of activity}Areas of activity:

    - maintenance organization members in the departments issuing literature;

    - organization of work on interlibrary book exchange in aid for graduate students, undergraduates and faculty of the University;

    - a series of events on the information culture of readers;

    - a set of measures to ensure prompt users - on the available literature, including new acquisitions;

    - advocate for books means of exhibitions, conferences, presentations and other forms of media work;

    - holding consultative sessions among readers on the basics of bibliographic knowledge, to work with the electronic catalog;

    - organization of a system of continuous professional development of library staff in order to enhance professional competence.

    continuation of the program "Electronic Library and the information society" /2007-2009 years/

    -  Presentation produced electronic textbooks WKSU

    -  Digitizing little Instance deficient textbooks and manuals

    -  Providing information on the educational portal and the site the University

    -  addition of a virtual library "What's New"

    -  Information advertising research library on the University website

    -  Providing access to the news departments of the virtual library

    -  Installation of electronic versions of "Bulletin WKSU"

    -  Promotion of electronic textbooks for students

    - implementation of the program "Library 5.2" in the work of the Scientific Library subscriptions.

    Terms of use scientific library WKU name M.Utemisov

    Structure of the Scientific Library


    Deputy Director


    Department of acquisition and processing of scientific literature

    Book storage sector

    Museum of rare books

    Department of Information bibliography and international exchange

    Electronic reading room (№10 Hall)

    Sector "International Book Exchange"

    Hall graduate students, undergraduates and faculty (№6 Hall)

    Customer Service


    Subscribe textbooks

    Subscribe nonfiction

    Subscribe art literature

    {tab=Reading rooms}Reading rooms service

    Reading room №1 (human sciences)

    Reading room №2 (applied and pure science)

    Reading room №3 (historical and lawscience)

    Reading room №4 (Arts and Culture)

    Reading room №5 (economic sciences)

    Reading room №7 (periodical publications)

    Reading room №8 (natural-geographical faculty)

    Reading room №9 (musical art)

    Library services:

    - Electronic fund;

    - Fund abstracts;

    - Reference books, encyclopedias, bibliographies;

    - Internet access;

    - Information fund;

    - Electronic delivery of documents;

    - scanning the document

    -print text

    - selection of literature for term papers and dissertations

    - Interlibrary book exchange.

    Mass gatherings: Scientific Library takes an active part in the educational work of the University. In order to patriotic, aesthetic, moral education in the library were held:

    - literary and compositional evenings devoted to meetings with writers and public figures;

    - round tables on topical issues;

    - conversations with students;

    - reviews of new books;

    - дни информации, дни кафедр, просмотры новой литературы.

    Exhibitions: creating and promoting easy access to a vast array of books, teaching the love of reading, in the departments of the library feature of the exhibition. In their area, they are different - it's constantly-operating exhibitions, as well as to significant exhibitions and republican dates. 

    Innovation processes can significantly expand the scope of the library and create comfort for all categories of readers. 

    Welcome to the Scientific Library WKSU them. M. Utemisov.