Eshimova Zhanbota Yesengalievnadirector of the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy

Akhonova Arailim Seisengalivnahead of the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy

Kurmangalieva Nazerke Khamitovnapsychologist of the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy
Nazarbaev Avenue, 162. Office 213
Phone: 8 (7112)511503
- Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy
- assistance in training competitive specialists with a high level of education and culture;
- Contribute to the social adaptation and professional development of the future specialist;
- Formation of a competitive, highly moral, healthy, Unified personality in the labor market, intellectually and creatively developed;
- Education of a future specialist as a person with deep knowledge, motivation, patience, creativity, sociability, responsibility, and a penchant for life needs.;
- Development and implementation of the principles of humanization of civic and moral education;
- Raising the political and cultural level of students;
- Educating young people in the spirit of friendship of nations and Kazakhstani patriotism;
- Formation of students' professional culture;
- Strengthening patriotism, establishing cultural and interethnic relations between students, focusing on the activities of the small Student Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan of M. Utemisov WKU;
- Facilitating the implementation of socially significant projects and personal ideas of students;
- Coordination of the work of the Student Government Directorate on the implementation of its initiatives and proposals.
The main directions of the concept of educational work at the university are:
- socio-political and legal education;
- International and patriotic education;
- moral, cultural and aesthetic education;
- development of scientific, research and creative potential of students;
- development of sports, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.