Youth Affairs Committee

    Koblan Miras Koblanuly
    Koblan Miras Koblanulyhead of the Youth Affairs Committee
    Arstan Umirbek Sergaluly
    Arstan Umirbek Sergalulyteacher-educator of the Youth Affairs Committee

    Nazarbaev  Avenue, 162. Office 213

    Phone: 8 (7112)511503

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Actively using students' leisure time, contribute to the formation of a competitive personality and a competitive personality, establish contacts with students.


    • Assistance in the training of competitive specialists with a high level of education and culture;
    • Assistance in social adaptation and professional development of a future specialist;
    • Competitive in the labor market, highly moral, physically healthy, the formation of a holistic personality, developed intellectually and creatively;
    • Education of the future specialist as a person with deep knowledge, enthusiasm, tolerance, creativity, ability to communicate, responsibility, inclination to life needs.;
    • Development and implementation of the principles of humanization of civil and moral education;
    • Raising the political and cultural level of students;
    • Education of youth in the spirit of friendship of peoples and Kazakhstan patriotism;
    • Formation of professional culture of students;
    • Strengthening patriotism, establishing cultural and interethnic relations among students with the orientation of the activities of the small Student Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan of the M.Utemisov ZKU;
    • Assistance in the implementation of socially significant projects and individual ideas of students;
    • Coordination of the work of the Student Self-Government Department for the implementation of its initiatives and proposals.


    • Organization of intellectual games and discussion evenings, meetings at round tables, art, sports and recreation, various interest clubs, scientific work within the framework of selected specialties;
    • Development of draft state programs, concepts and laws aimed at solving problems among young people.


    Our address

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

    tel/fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32, +7 (7112) 51 42 66, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Stay in touch