Report on the organization of student government
Report on the organization of student government (text)
Report on the organization of student self-government-2017
- Kuatov D.A.
- Zhulkasheva I.A.
- Ihsanova K.K.
- Vladimirov M.A.
- Ruslanovkyzy R.
- Zhumagulov B.K.
- Dinkeeva A.N.
- Demeuova Sh.K.
- Kuatov D.A.
- Zhulkasheva I.A.
- Ihsanova K.K.
- Vladimirov M.A.
- Ruslanovkyzy R.
- Zhumagulov B.K.
- Dinkeeva A.N.
- Demeuova Sh.K.
Kuatov D.A.

Kuatov Darkhan AnuarbekovichFaculty of History, Economics and law, 3rd year student of the EP History
Student Rector ZKU
- 2021 – The best presenter of the Student Spring 2021 competition
- 2022 – “the owner of the letter of thanks from the Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and La”
- 2022 – "Letter of thanks from the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law”
- 2023 – participant of the global online platform Coursera.
- 2023 – Certificate of successful training with Global Leadership Partners, a professional leadership development organization
- 2023 – Member of the Republican Student Council under the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2023 – Financial literacy development course "debt-free society" certificate holder
- 2023 – ”2nd place winner with 90 points", organized by the Department of history of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the 90th anniversary of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov
- 2023 – Organizer of the Republican debate tournament among students and undergraduates dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2023 – member of the Council of student self-government organizations of West Kazakhstan region" StudUnion"
- 2023 – The presidential center of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an active participant in the training seminar "New Kazakhstan: A Just Society" on November 08-09, 2023.
Zhulkasheva I.A.

Zhulkasheva Indira Abaykyzy4th year student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and geography, EP 'Biology and geography'
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs and scientific work of the student rector
- Holder of a scholarship named after the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- The head of the BG-41 group
- Diploma of the II degree for the best scientific report within the framework of the 78th scientific week of students and undergraduates "Zhastar zhane gylym", held from April 26 to 30
- Diploma of the III degree for the best scientific report within the framework of the 78th scientific week of students and undergraduates "Youth and science"
- 2021-2022 " Deputy Student Dean for Information of the Faculty of Natural Geography of M. Utemisov ZKU"
- 2022-2023 " Student Dean of the Faculty of Natural Geography of M. Utemisov ZKU"
- Vice-rector for Academic and Scientific Work of the student rector of the M. Utemisov ZKU 2023-2024
- Member of the Academic Council of the M. Utemisov ZKU, proctor 2022-2023
- 2022 "Letter of thanks from the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Geography"
- 2022 "Letter of thanks from the Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Art”
- Winner of the “Best Student 2021-2022” of the Faculty of Natural Geography
- Holder of a certificate confirming the participation of the CEO of KPO in the talks of the ECC "green course for a sustainable future“ within the framework of the V Uralsk Green Forum 2022 "Green Transformation: trends and challenges”
- Participant of the talks of the ECC ”green course for a sustainable future“ within the framework of the VI Uralsk Green Forum ” Green Transformation: trends and challenges " 2023
- Winner of IQ Makhambet 2021-2022
- 2021-2022 editor of the newspaper "Orken"
- Volunteer of the volunteer organization "Shapagat"
- Holder of a certificate confirming participation in the republican training seminar "New Kazakhstan: Jasampaz el Muraty" October 26-27, 2022
- The owner of the "letter of thanks" from the Director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for active participation and participation in the republican training seminar "New Kazakhstan: Jasampaz el Murat" October 26-27, 2022
- The best Leader-organizer of the intellectual game among the student deans of the university 2022
- Organizer of the inter-faculty intellectual competition " intelligentsia •
- Speaker of the round table "Seven facets of the Great Steppe-2022"
- Named after M. Utemisov, Faculty of Natural Geography, head of the "Geology" circle
- Named after M. Utemisov, organizer of the creative competition "Zhas daryn-2023"
- Graduate of the English educational center "Step by step"
- Graduate of the IELTS TOP TIER 2023 course
- English teacher at the "Start" Training Center 2022
- 2022 member of the Ornithology circle of the Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Natural Geography, named after M. Utemisov
- SMM manager, mobilographer at the Mektep+ training center
- Finalist of the second round of the John Innes Centre international undergraduate summer school •
- Winner of the student award "Makhambet uzdikderi-2022" in the nomination "Best young Scientist - 2022"
- Participant of the Republican Student Forum "your day " at Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
- A certificate confirming the successful completion of the mastery course "Development of political leadership of youth", conducted by the Adviser on Youth Affairs to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. In the framework of the Republican student Forum "your garden" at Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
- Certificate confirming the successful completion of the archery mastery course conducted by the Chairman and head coach of the BATU HAN Traditional Archery Federation M. Beksultanovich within the framework of the Republican Student Forum "your garden" at the Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
- Certificate confirming the successful completion of the master course "the role of girls in society•, conducted by the famous traveler, motivator, psychologist D. Bulat within the framework of the Republican Student Forum "your day" at the Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
- A certificate confirming the successful completion of the master course "Long live the Word" conducted by journalist, political scientist, media manager A. Yesenali within the framework of the Republican student Forum "your day" at the Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov
- 2023 holder of the COURSERA certificate "Team Leadership: Development as a Leader " of the University of Illinois, Illinois
- Finalist of the regional intellectual game " BILIMDILER DODASY •
- Participant of the forum meeting with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek
- Ivanovo Readings 2023. author of a scientific article on climate change and its impact on natural systems with nature
- Ivanovo Readings 2023. author of a scientific article on the topic "Analysis of the influencing factors of the climate of the West Kazakhstan region"
- Scientific supervisor Aruzhan Bakhayeva, a student of the 9th grade of Secondary school No. 35, who took the III place in the city Olympiad on the topic "geoecological state of the Urals " 2022
- The owner of a letter of thanks from the akim of the region of the West Kazakhstan region in 2023
- International Leadership Development Course "Certificate of completion training by global leadership partners, a professional leadership development organization which has inspired leaders to greater heights in more than 20 countries worldwide" 2023
- A letter of thanks from the Vice-rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs for having studied at the M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan Region, actively participated in the public life of the university, defended the honor of the university at city and regional events and achieved high results
- Leader of the Year-2023 winner of the nomination "Best Student-2023"
- Chairman-Rector named after M. Utemisov letter of thanks, certificate of honor.
Ihsanova K.K.

Ihsanova Kamshat KairatovnaFaculty of History, Economics and law, 4th year of the EP 'Economics and management'
Vice-rector for educational work of the student rector
- December 2021. He was appointed head of the dance group "Step Way", created at the Faculty of history, economics and law, and took 1st place in the inter-faculty dance competition THE DANCE AWARDS.
- December 2021. In the intellectual game" accountant 2021 " he took the 3rd place.
- winner of a letter of thanks from the dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and law in 2021
- chief organizer of the intellectual game "Red Arrow" on October 26
- June 2022. In honor of the holiday of symbols, he took part in an inter-faculty quest and took the 1st place
- students of the Faculty of History, Economics and law together with students of the Faculty of natural geography are the organizers of the inter-faculty competition among students "STUDFILM-2022
- holder of a certificate from the library of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan for participation in the training seminar" New Kazakhstan: zhasapmaz El muraty".
- participated in the training seminar "New Kazakhstan: zhasapmaz El muraty" and received a letter of thanks " Best Project
- winner of a letter of thanks from the dean of the Faculty of Culture and art in 2022
- winner of a letter of thanks from the dean of the Faculty of philology in 2022
- winner of a letter of thanks from the dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and law in 2022
- in 2022, the chairman-rector of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov received a letter of thanks
- participated in the conference "promising directions, identity and trends in Tourism Development", held in Kalmykia, Russian Federation, and published an article.
- he took part in the regional discussion Seminar-training on the American parliamentary format for students of universities and colleges, and passed a special internship.
- owner of a letter of thanks from the akimat of West Kazakhstan region
- chairman-rector of the M. Utemisov WKU rector of the certificate of Honor
- International Leadership Development Course "Certificate of completion training by global leadership development organization which has inspired more than 20 countries worldwide"
- participant of the forum among students organized by the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University on history lessons in the Republican City of Shymkent
- winner of a letter of thanks from the vice-rector for educational work and social affairs for active participation in the social life of the University, protecting the honor of the University at City, regional, and events, achieving high results, while studying at M. Utemisov WKU
- winner of the 3rd degree of the Youth Debate Competition on anti-corruption, organized by the private foundation Asar-Oral.
Vladimirov M.A.

Mukhammed Vladimirov Azamatulyfaculty of Natural Sciences and geography, 3rd year student of the educational program 'geography-history'
Student Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography
- Head of the mobilography department among the activists of the Faculty of Natural Geography.
- 2022 «№ 1-Deputy Student Dean of the NGF»
- 2023-2024 «Student Dean of the Faculty of Natural Geography»
- Certificate for participation in the discussion seminar-training 2023 "University debate format" MAKHAMBET CUP 1"
- 2023 Certificate of successful training with Global Leadership Partners, a professional leadership development organization
- Member of the Republican Student Council under the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ruslanovkyzy R.

Ruslanovkyzy RanuStudent Of The Faculty of Philology 2nd year student of the EP 'Philology'
Acting Student Dean of the Faculty of Philology
- GPA 3.64
- Head of the student organization of the Faculty of Philology
- Member of the administration of the "Aqiqat" Discussion Center
- Leader of the women's club "Kyz Zhibek"
- Winner of the Grand Prix in the "Miss Kazakh Language 2022" competition at the Philology Faculty
- 2022 recipient of a commendation letter from the director of the regional universal scientific library named after Zhuban Moldagaliyev
- Participant in the 2022 forum with the Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kuanysh Ergaliev
- 2022 recipient of a commendation letter from the rector of ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan
- 1st place winner in the "Sirius" competition organized by IQ ISTFAK in 2022
- Organizer of the university competition "MU-Voice"
- Host of the interview session "Knowledge to Brand, Upbringing to Trend"
- Participant in the "Murager Student Theater" performances
- Participant in the forum meeting with the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Sayasat Nurbek
- Chief organizer of the event for dormitory residents "Dormitory - My Family"
- 2023 completion of the International Leadership Development Course "Certificate of Completion Training by Global Leadership Partners"
- 2nd place winner in the Interuniversity Debate Tournament "Makhambet Cup 1" in 2023
- Holder of the title "Best Speaker" in the Interuniversity Debate Tournament "Makhambet Cup 1" in 2023
- Certificate for judging at the open regional debate tournament dedicated to the celebration of "International Students' Day"
- Certificate of participation in the regional discussion seminar-training on "APF" for university and college students
- Certificate of participation in the regional discussion seminar-training on "BPF" for university and college students
- Certificate of participation in the regional discussion seminar-training on "LD" for university and college students
- Commendation letter for contribution to the "Students Day" event
- 2nd place winner of the Republic competition "Best Student Orator"
- 2023 recipient of a commendation letter from the director of the Presidential Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Certificate confirming participation in the seminar-training "New Kazakhstan: Just Society" in 2023
- Commendation letter for contribution to the organization of the Republic Debate Tournament in 2023
- Certificate for judging at the Republic Debate Tournament
- Winner of the Republic Debate Tournament among students and postgraduates in the "Chief Wise" category, dedicated to Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Chief organizer of the University competition "Golden Age" in 2023
- Organizer of the award night "FF-Award" in 2023
- Winner of university sports competitions.
Zhumagulov B.K.

Zhumagulov Bekzat KoblandyovichPhysics and mathematics faculty, 3rd year student of the EP 'Mathematics Informatics'
Acting Student Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
- Head of art among the activists of the faculty of physics and mathematics. 3rd place in vocal performance at the «Student Spring 2021» event
- 1st place in the team competition in the field of arts at the interfaculty event "Acoustic concert".
- 2023-2024 "Student dean of the faculty of physics and mathematics".
- Scriptwriter and organizer of the "New generation" event.
- The main organizer of the mini-performance "My life".
Dinkeeva A.N.

Dinkeeva Aruzhan Nursapaevnapedagogical faculty, 4 th year student of the educational program 'Pedagogy and methods of primary education'
Student Dean of the Pedagogical Faculty
- in 2022, the recipient of a letter of thanks from the rector of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov N. H. Sergaliyev;
- in 2022, the owner of a letter of thanks from the mayor of Uralsk M. Satkanov;
- holder of a letter of thanks from the chairman of the Ural city territorial election commission in 2021;
- holder of the certificate on behalf of the director of the library of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan B. Temirbolat for participation in the training seminar "New Kazakhstan: the ideal of a creative country" in 2022;
- in 2021, the participant of the seminar "gadgets and safety on the roads" within the framework of the small grant "will receive from the Virtual, the road is a real betrayal!"implementation of the Project ""Safe Roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan""";
- winner in the Nomination "Best leader" of the youth award of Uralsk, West Kazakhstan region "best of the year -2020" in 2020;
- winner of the letter of thanks of the "mask show" competition in 2021;
- participant of the training seminar "media and information literacy" in 2021;
- participant of the StudFest project in 2021;
- participant of the intellectual competition "breakthrough" in 2021;
- certificate holder of the Course" Beginner "of the English School" Step by step " in 2021;
- winner of the A. S. Pushkin scholarship.
Demeuova Sh.K.

Demeuova Shugyla Kairzhanovna3rd year student of the EP 'International Relations' Faculty of History, Economics and law
Student Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law
- GPA 3.65
- February 13, 2022 organizer of the Student Film Competition "Studfilm-2022" with the organization of the Faculty of history, economics and law of Makhambet Utemisov WKU and the Faculty of natural geography
- 2021-2024. head of the international relations educational program Group
- 2022 " letter of thanks from the dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and law”
- 2022 " letter of thanks from the deputy dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and law”
- Faculty of history, economics and Law “Best Student 2021-2022” holder
- On April 1, 2022, Volunteers of the Faculty of history and economics and law "Istfak family" visited the old man's House and organized a concert program "Karttarym-Asyl kazynam".
- On April 2,2022, volunteers of the faculty "istfak Family", the organizer of the concert program "unread books", which was held in the Regional Library of children and young people named after Khamza Esenzhanova.
- April 21, 2022 participant of the student spring-2022 competition of the Faculty of history and economics and law
- On May 24, 2022, he became the head of the dance group "Stepway" of the Faculty of history and economics and law.
- 2021-2022. he was the deputy student Dean.
- Volunteer of the volunteer organization" Istfak Family
- 2023-2024. "Student Dean of the Faculty of History,Economics and law of M. Utemisov WKU"
- February 2, 2023 organizer of a new program "History battle" at the Faculty of History Economics and law.
- Organizer of the free-format concert program "Istfak party" on February 7, 2023.
- On February 13, 2023, Tari was the organizer of the event "Secret of success" at the Faculty of Economics and law.
- On February 25, 2023, the organizer of the educational evening "hobbies that have become a profession".
- 2023 participant of the global online platform Coursera.
- February 23, 2023-organizer of the event "national pride of Kazakhstan kainar spring".
- On March 2, 2023, the organizer of the inter-department debate Game "Istfak Debat".
- March 14,2023 completed the Coursera project and was awarded.
- Graduate of the IELTS top TIER course 2023.
- March 17,2023-organizer of the festive concert "Nauryz-Duman" at the Faculty of History, Economics and law.
- On May 11,2023, the organizer of the event "Adal urpak-the future of our country" at the Faculty of History, Economics and law.
- SMM-manager, mobilographer in the training center " Sana school
- On September 7, 2023, the organizer of the student reception evening" Welcome to Istfak".
- October 4,2023 at the Faculty of History, Economics and law, the organizer of the event "teacher is the mother of all professions".
- October 9, 2023 at the Faculty of History, Economics and law, the organizer of the intellectual game "Retro".
- October 24,2023 at the Faculty of History, Economics and law, in honor of the Republic Day, the organizer of the inter-faculty intellectual game "historical knowledge" for the self-government organization.
- On November 1,2023, at the Faculty of History, Economics and law, the organizer of the event "with Istfak" in a free format.
- On December 1,2023,the organizer of the event "mercy from the heart, mercy from the wrist" at the Faculty of History, Economics and law.
- On December 10,2023, the organizer of the "Golden Age couple" event in the "ethno-modern" format, organized by the Faculty of History, Economics and law of the Faculty of Philology.
- 2023 youth space – a letter of thanks for active participation in the work of the international youth political camp within the framework of the chairmanship of the Youth Council of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization named justice,harmony,virtue.
- Letter of thanks from the Executive Secretary of the Amanat party D. Karibek.
- Awarded for participation in the organization of the Republican debate tournament among students and undergraduates dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2023.
- September 20-23, 2023 the delegation of the West Kazakhstan region headed by Arhat Islamgali, chairman of the regional branch of the youth wing" Zhastar Rukh "of the Amanat party.
- One of the organizers of the Miss-URALSK contest 2023.
- Organizer of the regional competition among trade union members "Kadyr readings" on April 14, 2023.
- Recipient of a letter of thanks from the Deputy akim of the West Kazakhstan region in 2023.
- International Leadership Development Course "Certificate of completion training by global leadership partners" 2023.

Zulkarnaeva Saltanat SerikbaevnaFaculty of Philology, 2nd year student
Member Board of Dormitory №1

Orazymbetova Karlygash Meirkhanovna4th year student of the EP 'Philology Kazakh philology', Faculty of Philology
Member Board of Dormitory №2

Mukasheva Dilnaz Aybarovna2nd year student of the EP 'Jjurisprudence' Faculty of History, Economics and law
Member Board of Dormitory №3

Saiymbay Zhantore KhudaiberdikyzyFaculty of Culture and art 'fashion and costume design', 2 nd year student
Member Board of Dormitory №4

Berdovlet Kamila AzidullovnaFaculty of philology, EP Russian language and literature at the Kazakh school 3rd year student
Member Board of Dormitory №4