Dear, undergraduate!
Enrolling in WKSU M. Utemisov, you made the right choice
WKU M.Utemisov name - one of the oldest public universities in Kazakhstan and largest educational and scientific centers of the West Kazakhstan region.
Since 2003, WKU conducts training of qualified personnel for postgraduate education programs (MSc) in 24 specialties.
Development of educational programs implemented by WKSU two areas of training - scientific pedagogical and profile and provides in-depth specialized training to enable graduates subsequently successfully engage in scientific, educational, administrative and expert activities.
Training in magistracy WKU assumes active research work, passing of professional practice, participation in scientific projects of University under the leadership of the leading experts in priority areas of science and practice on the basis of test laboratory of ecology and biogeochemistry, research laboratories of archeology, Ethnology and anthropology, natural heritage, geobotany and monitoring of biodiversity, laboratory of robotics and mechatronics, participation in scientific projects of University under the leadership of leading experts in priority areas of science and practice.
The scientific potential of the university are 12 professors, 14 doctors of sciences, 133 candidates of sciences, 70 associate professors, 61 master's degree; 14 teachers are winners of international competitions, 16 - winners of national competitions, 3 members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. The University has honored coach of RK 2, 4 Master of Sports of Kazakhstan, 1 Honoured Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
By function Magistrates WKSU concluded agreement on scientific cooperation with the university name YogannesaGutenberga (Mainz, Germany), the University of Passau (g.Passau, Germany), University. Otto von Guericke (Magdeburg, Germany), the International Institute of Tourism and Culture (g.Bydgosch, Poland), Wroclaw University of Natural Sciences (Wroclaw, Poland), Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey), the Research Institute of the Turkish Aegean world University (Izmir, Turkey), University. Casimir the Great (g.Bydgosch, Poland), University. Nicolaus Copernicus (Torun, Poland), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland), Sofia University "St.. Kliment Ohridski "(Sofia, Bulgaria), Ardahan University (g.Ardahan, Turkey), Shenyang Aerospace University (g.Shenyan, China), University Dev Sanskriti (g.Haridvar, India), Lithuania, the Russian Federation and other countries.
Currently, the university undergraduates tested scientific training and training through academic mobility in the above universities.
Regulatory guidance documents. In this section you can find all the regulatory and procedural documents, regulating the activities of Magistrates of West Kazakhstan State University M.Utemisov.