Galamdyk mythologiyanyn phenomena

    Serikbol Kondybai (1968-2004) was born on March 14 in the village of Kuryk, Karakiyansky district, Mangistau region. In 1991, he graduated from the Geographical Faculty of the Kazakh State University with a degree in geomorphology. During his short life, he made a significant contribution to the revival of Kazakh history, culture, traditions and customs, and also made a great contribution to fundamental research as a local historian, geographer, publicist, ethnographer. He was engaged in historical and geographical, cultural and educational, etc. questions, combining materials of history, folklore, geography, linguistics at the junction of mythological reconstructions. He has written more than 80 scientific articles, including "Argykazak mythologiyasy" 4 kitabs, Tolyk shygarmalar zhinagi. 1-volume of Kazakh mythologyasyn kirispe, 2-volume of Kazakh dalasy zhane german tengleri - The Kazakh steppe and the Germanic gods. "Yesen-Kazakh"," Kazakh mythology " a short dictionary.

    In order to popularize the spiritual heritage of Serikbol Kondybai, we offer a bibliographic review "Galamdyk mythologiyanyn phenomena".


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