Council of young scientists

    Chairman of the Council: Urynbaeva Lyazzat Ibrahimovna


    The main activities:

    - Assistance in the implementation of the policy of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    - Representation of youth interests in improving working conditions, life and leisure activities;

    - Recommendation of applicants for grants, nominal scholarships and targeted awards, nominations and encouragement of young scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of scientific research;

    - Implementation of methodological and organizational support in the implementation of research work by young university scientists;
    - Organization of research and information retrieval, advisory, lecture and publishing activities; - Conducting scientific and practical conferences, symposia, forums, round tables, lectures, seminars, contests, tournaments and competitions at various levels with pupils, students, undergraduates and doctoral students, etc.


    Composition of the Council of Young Scientists for the 2018-2019 academic year

    Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists


    Urynbaeva Lyazzat Ibragimovna, master

     Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists


     Imashev Eduard Zhusupovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), specialty 6D060900 - Geography

    Secretary of the Council of Young Scientists


    Kyshybekova Asel Bolatkyzy, master

     Council members of young scientists


    Faculty of Natural Geography

    Iskaliev Dinmukhamed Zhumabaevich, master

    Kurmekesh Adіlet Dauletkereyuly, master 

    Erzhanova Nurgul Sandybaevna, master


    Faculty of Education

    Kalakhanova Svetlana Bakhtybaevna, master

    Panishcheva Olga Alexandrovna, master 

    Myrzagereeva Izaura Amangeldievna, master


    Faculty of History of Economics and Law 

    Nurmanova Ayaguz Kairgalievna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


    Tanzenov Danaly Zhұpmaғambetұly, master 

    Nurzhanova Ainagul Kanatkalievna, master


    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

    Kabibulin Madiyar Daniyarovich, master

    Kazhmukhanova Gulmira Shynybekovna, master 

    Uzakbaeva Gulnur Akbergenovna, master 


    Faculty of Philology

    Sultangalieva Rita Bekzhanovna, candidate of philological sciences 

    Aldasheva Kamar Sagalgalievna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Sedova Elena Andreevna, master


    Faculty of Culture and Art

    Serikkali Akmaral Serіkkalikyzy, master

    Kradenova Klavdiya Petrovna, master

    Mukanbetova Zhanar Tulegenovna, master 


    План работы совета молодых ученых ЗКГУ им.М.Утемисова на 2018-2019 учебный год


    Our address

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

    tel/fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32, +7 (7112) 51 42 66,

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