Guide for the quality of education

    Approved by the decision of

    Academic Council of M. Utemisov WKSU

    Minutes №8, 03.05.2018.




     Field of application, purposes and principles

    Guide for the quality of education of M. Utemisov WKSU is compiled to guarantee the quality of education and teaching at the university, including the educational environment and constant communication with research and innovation. The university introduces policies and s procedures for ensuring and improving the quality of research and management.

    The education in WKSU also sets tasks for itself to bring up students’ active citizenship positions, employment assistance, support of personal growth, the formation of the base of knowledge, stimulation of research and innovation.

    At WKSU the quality guarantee, i.e. quality assurance and improvement activities, realize through monitoring, reporting, results of analysis and taking measures in increasing the efficiency of the work of the university.

    Achieving the stated goals contributes to the formation of trust and is the key to sustainable development of the university.

     Purposes and principlesof quality guide

    Guide for the quality of education of M. Utemisov WKSU has the following goals:

    - it defines the overall structure of education and teaching quality assurance;

    - guarantees the improvement of the quality of higher education in the educational space;

    - supports mutual trust and facilitating recognition of the university in the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world.

    Guide for the quality of education of M. Utemisov WKSU is based on the following principles:

    - the university is responsible for the quality of education and its guarantee;

    - the quality guarantee of the university meets the requirements of the European standards of higher education (ESG);

    - the quality assurance policy supports the development of a quality culture;

    - the quality assurance policy takes into account the needs and expectations of students and society.

     Quality Assurance Policy

    M.Utemisov WKSU has a published quality assurance policy reflecting the institutional vision and strategy associated with the strategic management of the university. Internal stakeholders compiled and implement this policy through appropriate structures and processes with the involvement of external stakeholders.

    The policy and procedures are the basis of a coherent and consistent system of quality assurance of the university. The system is a cycle of continuous improvement and is reflected in the reporting of the university. It supports the development of a quality culture in which all stakeholders take responsibility for quality at all levels of functioning of the university. The policy and procedures have official status and publicly available.

    The quality assurance policy reflects the link between research, teaching and learning and takes into account, both a national context, in which the university operates, and the internal context.

    Quality Assurance Policy supports:

    - the organization of the quality assurance system;

    - the departments, faculties, divisions, the management of the university, staff and students who fulfill their duties for the quality assurance;

    - processes that provide academic reputation and freedom;

    - processes to prevent any kind of intolerance and discrimination against students and teachers;

    - participation of external stakeholders in quality assurance.

    The policy is embodied in practical activities through a variety of processes and procedures for internal quality assurance, which take part all the divisions of the university.

     Development and approval of programs

    M.Utemisov WKSU developed procedures for creating and approving educational programs. The Programs are compiled to reflect the mission and stated objectives. Qualifications received as a result of mastering the programs are clearly defined, explained and correspond to a certain level of the national structure of qualifications in higher education.

    Realization of educational programs is the main mission of the University. Educational programs are focused on obtaining students’ academic knowledge and skills they need, which are aimed at their personal development and can be applied in their future careers.

    When developing its programs WKSU provides:

    - compliance with the objectives of the programs of the institutional strategy and availability of clear designated, expected learning outcomes;

    - participation of students in the development of the program;

    - conducting external expertise and the availability of reference and information resources;

    - constant promotion, personal growth and development of the student in the process of mastering the program;

    - precisely defined load of students;

    - providing a place for industrial practice.

     Student-centered teaching and academic performance assessment

    M. Utemisov WKSU provides introduction of student-centered teaching in the implementation of educational programs. It uses a technique stimulating students to play an active role in the joint formation of the educational process.

    Student-centered teaching plays an important role in increasing motivation, self-reflection and student involvement in the teaching process. For implementation of student-centered teaching WKSU departments sompile systemic approaches to the development and teaching of educational programs and the assessment of teaching results.

    Implementing student-centered training, the university provides:

    - respect and attention to different groups of students and their needs, providing flexible learning paths;

    - use of various forms of teaching;

    - flexible use of a variety of pedagogical methods;

    - regular feedback on the techniques and methods used to evaluate adjustments to pedagogical methods;

    - support for the autonomy of the learner with simultaneous proper guidance and assistance from the teacher;

    - strengthening the mutual respect of the teacher and the student;

    - availability of procedures for responding to student complaints.

    The procedures of quality assurance for the evaluation include the following:

    - evaluators have methods of testing and checking students' knowledge and improve their qualifications in this field;

    - the criteria and methods of evaluation are published in advance;

    - the assessment demonstrates the level of student’s achievement of planned result of teaching;

    - The student gets feedback and, if necessary, advice on the teaching process;

    - exams are held in various forms;

    - assessment rules include the consideration of mitigating circumstances;

    - the assessment is conducted in accordance with the established rules consistently and objectively in relation to all students;

    - there is a formal appeal procedure.

     Admission, academic performance, recognition and certification

    M.Utemisov WKSU has compiled, approved, published and consistently applied rules governing all periods of the student “life cycle”, i.e. admission, academic performance, recognition and certification. Rules provide development of academic career with respect for the interests of students, programs and systems.

    The formed procedures of admission, evaluation, recognition and graduation play an important role in students' academic mobility.

    Admission policy of students is aimed at providing a sequence and transparency of all processes and criteria.

    The process of students’ initiating includes the introduction with educational institutions and programs.

    The university developed procedures for the collection and monitoring information about students' academic achievements and follow-up actions.

    The policy of university is aimed at the objective recognition of higher education qualifications, periods of study and previous education, including non-formal education, and is intended to ensure successful teaching of students and academic mobility.

    In order to ensure the proper recognition of procedures, WKSU:

    - ensure compliance with the activities of the educational institution of Lissabon Recognition Convention;

    - a partnership with other educational institutions and national centers ENIC/NARIC in order to ensure comparable recognition of qualifications in the country.

    Upon completion of training WKSU provides students with documents confirming the qualification, including achieved learning outcomes and also the context, content and status of educational attainment.

     Teaching staff

    At M.Utemisov WKSU there are impartial and transparent procedures for the recruitment, professional growth and development of the entire teaching staff, which guarantee the competence of teachers.

    The role of the teacher is central to the implementation of student focused approach aimed at high-quality training and the acquisition of knowledge and skills, with a mandatory focus on learning outcomes.

    The university is responsible for the quality of training of their employees and the creation of favorable conditions for effective work.

    WKSU implements in practice the most important principles of the formation of the university teaching staff:

    - has developed and approved clear, transparent and objective criteria for hiring employees, appointments, promotions, dismissals;

    - presents career opportunities and professional development of the teaching staff, according to the results of the evaluation of their work, including surveys of colleagues and students;

    - provides support for research activities to strengthen the link between teaching and research;

    - creates conditions for the introduction of innovative teaching methods and the use of advanced technologies.

     Educational resources and student support system

    M.Utemisov WKSU guarantees the availability of sufficient, accessible and relevant for purposes of learning resources and student support services.

    While studying students are provided with educational resources, material - libraries, computers, etc., and human - mentors, curators and other consultants. Support services are aimed at promoting students’ mobility both within the educational system (educational trajectories) and between different higher education systems (academic mobility).

    In the distribution, planning and provision of educational resources WKSU support services operate on the principle of student-centered teaching and consider the needs of different groups of students (adults, working, external students, foreign students, and students with disabilities).

    Professional level of administration officials and specialized units and improvement of their skills is key to the successful operation of support services, including the provision of additional services to students.

     Information management

    M. Utemisov WKSU collects, analyzes and uses relevant information for the effective management of their programs, and other directions of its activity.

    Reliable information is a source for evaluating the effectiveness and defining objectives of development, a necessary condition for making university decision.

    WKSU has developed procedures for collecting and analyzing information about its programs and its activities and uses the obtained information in the work of the internal quality of assurance system.

    Basic information for making decision of WKSU are:

    - information about the student contingent;

    - level of academic performance, student achievement;

    - satisfaction of students with the implementation of programs;

    - accessibility of educational resources and student support services;

    - employability of graduates;

    - to key indicators of the university.

    The university uses different methods of data collection. Students, faculty and staff are involved in collecting and analyzing information, planning results.

     Public awareness

    Information on the activities of the university is necessary both for applicants and students, and for graduates, other stakeholders and the general public.

    M.Utemisov WKSU publishes and provides clear, accurate, objective, actual and accessible information about its activities, including the implemented programs, information on expected teaching outcomes on educational programs, qualifications, teaching, training, assessment procedures, passing points and training opportunities provided to students, as well as information about graduate employment opportunities.

     Continuous monitoring and periodic program evaluation

    M.Utemisov WKSU holds monitoring and periodic evaluation of programs for guaranteeing fulfilling the mission of the university and meeting the needs of students and society.

    The purpose of monitoring is continuous improvement of education programs. Following the results of the periodic evaluation, the educational programs are revised to create a favorable learning environment for students.

    Periodic evaluation includes consideration of:

    - the content of the programs in the light of recent advances in science and in specific disciplines to ensure the relevance of teaching;

    - the changing needs of society;

    - load, performance, release and student employment;

    - the effectiveness of student assessment procedures;

    - expectations, needs and satisfaction of students with learning;

    - educational environment, support services and their compliance with the objectives of the program.

    Programs are regularly evaluated and revised with the obligatory involvement of students and other stakeholders.

     Periodic procedures of external quality assurance

    M.Utemisov WKSU on a regular basis passes external quality assurance procedures in accordance with European standards and recommendations. External quality of assessment implements in various forms and at different levels such as educational program, department, faculty, university.

    External quality assurance procedures in various forms allow evaluating the effectiveness of internal university quality of assurance processes. Conclusions and recommendations on the results of external evaluation are catalysts for the University development and implementation of new opportunities.

    The findings of the external evaluation are the most important source of public awareness on the quality of WKSU activities.

    External quality assurance procedures are a continuous process carried out at regular intervals, which includes the preparation of a self-assessment report, receiving external feedback, implementation of recommendations.

    WKSU strives to ensure that external quality assurance procedures as a whole are a tool and evidence of the institutional progress of the University.


    1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated on July 27, 2007. № 319 - III “On Education” (with changes and additions).

    2. Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Area of Higher Education (ESG)



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