Research laboratory of archaeology, anthropology and Ethnology

    Head – Kalmenov Murat Dabylovich, candidate of historical Sciences
    Address: West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk, Dostyk str/Friendship, 121, KAB. Nineteen
    Phone: 8 (7112) 26 03 86
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    The research laboratory of archeology, anthropology and Ethnology carries out its activities on the basis of the regulations on the laboratory of the Department of science and international relations in accordance with its work plan
    On the basis of The state License is carried out fundamental archaeological research (exploration, excavation, monitoring) on the monuments of the stone age, bronze age, early iron age and the middle ages. The main work is carried out in conjunction with anthropological and ethnological studies for the purpose of studying ethnic interaction in the archaeological and ethnographic aspect of the population of the Urals. Chronological framework: the bronze age – early iron age – middle ages – modern period (the burial of the Kazakhs of XVIII-XX centuries. for example: the burial of the khans of Small Zhuz were found on the territory of West Kazakhstan region).
    - Getting the maximum information about the physical and craniology and the specifics of the funeral rite of the population of the Urals from ancient times to the modern period, as well as other monuments located outside the WKO.
    - Create a database of ceramic materials of monuments of the Urals from antiquity to the modern period.
    - Create a database of numismatic materials of monuments of the Urals and the restoration of historical chronological framework.Main activity:
    - Creation of a supporting archaeological base on the site of monuments as a sponsored organization in conjunction with the local administration, for the passage of archaeological practice of students, as well as training of undergraduates.
    - Finding and research ceramic products, which are the most common archaeological material. On the basis of the found ceramics, a wide range of studies is carried out – from the compilation of the typology and statistical database to the detection of chemical and physical composition.
    - The study of numismatic materials that make it possible to accurately determine the Dating of the monument. On the found material it is necessary to conduct a wide range of studies of the course of history – from the compilation of the typology and statistical database to the identification of chemical and physical composition. 


    Our address

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

    tel/fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32, +7 (7112) 51 42 66, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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