Rules of adherence to academic integrity

    1. Generalities

    1. Rules of compliance with academic integrity of students, faculty and staff at the West Kazakhstan state University. M. Utemisova (hereinafter - the Rules), developed in accordance with the development Strategy of the University, the Charter ofWKSU, establish the principles of academic honesty in the educational process, the rights and obligations of members of the University community, determine the types of violations of academic integrity and the order of action in case of their Commission.

    2. The purpose of these Rules-the formation of students, faculty and staff of the University understanding of honesty, building an open, sincere and trusting relationships, as well as responsibility in matters; the development of honesty in life. Academic integrity is one of the key values in the educational process of WKSU

    3. The following concepts are used in the Rules:

    1) academic integrity — a set of values and principles that Express the honesty of the student in learning when performing written work (control, course, essay, diploma, dissertation), answers to exams (in research, expressing their position in the relationship with academic staff, teachers and other students, as well as evaluation).

    2) estimated work:

    - the work or task performed by the student during the current assessment, to determine its educational achievements in a certain period of training (oral survey, written work, essay, field work, laboratory work, practical work, independent work, research, project, etc.).);

    - work performed by the student during the final evaluation (tests, tests, research, project, thesis, etc.) to determine the level of achievement of the student for the semester of training;

    4. Administration, advisors, curators of wksu are obliged to acquaint students with these Rules in the following cases:

    1) on receipt when you receive the documents;

    2) under the signature when applying for admission to wksu;

    3) on curatorial hours.

    5. These Rules are binding on all members of the University community – the administration of wksu.M. utemisova, faculty, staff, students, their legal representatives.

    2. Principles of academic integrity

    The main principles of academic integrity of students in the educational process, developing their personal honesty and responsibility for their learning, are:

    1)integrity - honest, careful implementation of students assessed and unassessed work. The main components of integrity are diligence and decency.

    2) implementation of protection of the rights of the author and his successors - recognition of authorship and protection of works that are subject to copyright, through the correct transmission of someone else's speech, thoughts and sources of information in the assessed works;

    3) openness-transparency, mutual trust, open exchange of information and ideas between students and faculty and equivalent persons;

    4) respect for the rights and freedoms of students-the right to freedom of expression and ideas of students;

    5) equality-the obligation of each student to comply with these rules and equal responsibility for their violation.

    3. Rights and obligations of members of the student community

    1. Students have the right:

    1) to read the text of these rules;

    2) freedom of expression in the learning process;

    3) to defend against unjustified accusations of violation of these rules and the provision of evidence.

    2.Students are obliged:

    1) read the text of these rules and know the consequences of their violation;

    2) strictly observe academic integrity in the performance of the assessed and invaluable work;

    3) use a method of transmitting someone else's speech and thought, indicating the author, the name of the work and the page;

    4) at the end of the assessed works indicate the list of references;

    5) use reliable and reliable sources of information;

    6) do not provide other students with the work actually performed;

    7) independently perform all kinds of tasks;

    8) do not use ready answers to tests, exercises and tasks, ready written works (essays, term papers, theses, master's theses);

    9) do not use on exams cheat sheets, electronic media and communication;

    10) do not pass on their ready answers and work to other students and prevent behavior that calls into question the honesty and integrity of training and damaging the final results of other students;

    3. University staff, employees are required to:

    1) carry out information work among students;

    2) train and support students in selecting reliable and reliable sources;

    3) teach how to design footnotes, references, references;

    4) teach students how to design project activities on paper, electronic, digital media, indicating the authorship of all participants in the work;

    5) teach to Express your own opinion in the learning process;

    6) carry out explanatory work with students before performing the assessed work on the observance of academic integrity;

    7) prevent any possibility of violation of the requirements established by these rules;

    8) keep a strict record of each case of violation of these rules;

    9) inform the Dean's office about each case of violation of the rules in writing.

    4. The University administration undertakes:

    1) ensure the work of faculty and staff of the University to explain these rules to students;

    2) to coordinate the adoption of measures under these rules, for violation of its rules by students;

    3) to control and monitor the implementation of academic integrity of students.

    4. Type of violation

    These rules provide for the following types of violations of academic integrity of students, teachers and staff of the University:

    1) plagiarism:

    - partial or full assignment of materials from other sources without providing proof of authorship or indication of the source;

    Plagiarism can manifest itself in various forms:

    * citation of the source without the use of appropriate punctuation (quotation marks) and / or without specifying the source;

    * rephrasing the source without specifying the source;

    * using someone's ideas or arguments without reference to the author;

    * submission of written work written in whole or in part by a friend or other student;

    * presentation of course / diploma work taken from the Internet;

    * presentation of course work that has been completed as an assignment for another course.


    - perform any graded work for another student;

    (3) deception:

    - write-off of the estimated works from other students;

    - re-granting, surrender already assessed work;

    - presentation of false excuses in case of non-performance, untimely performance of the estimated works;

    - the performance of the assessed work by two or more students, which does not include group work;

    - perceived help of other students: permission to debit him/her with his assessed work, hints, use cheat sheets, textbooks, etc.

    - presentation of other people's estimated works as their own.

    4) falsification of estimates, data of the assessed work:

    - forgery of estimates, the results of evaluation of answers to the task;

    - forgery of data (addition, entering, correction), that is, measurements and results of survey observations, questionnaires and other methods in the performance of the study;

    - overestimation of the control of written work;

    - deliberately changing or damaging the academic work of dragoooooooooooo;

    5) acquisition of answers of the estimated works in an unfair way:

    - transmission of responses during the performance of the assessed work;

    - obtaining partial or complete material prior to the performance of the assessed work with the help of another student, teacher or employee (test tasks with answers, examination tickets and tasks, tasks for the written exam);

    - buying or otherwise obtaining of assessed work for submission as your own (course papers, diploma papers, master theses, etc.);

    - sale or other ways of assistance in the purchase and / or sale of ready-evaluated works (term papers, theses, master's theses, etc.).);

    6) misuse of information or devices:

    - the use of information on electronic, digital, paper, technical devices during the implementation of the control evaluated works, testing;

    - receive any responses to the assessed work by any means, including downloading via e-mail, computer, etc.;

    - removal from the office and / or copying from the computer of materials of the pedagogical worker concerning the estimated works on paper and electronic media.

    5. Responsibilities of the participants of the educational process

    Responsibilities of students / undergraduates

    To comply with the principles of academic integrity, students are required to::

    Respect and observe the fundamental principles relating to the use of another's intellectual property.

    Adopt ethical standards and strictly follow them. Observe all principles in any type of work, oral and written form, current and final evaluation.

    Remember that the presented work is the personal work of the participant of the educational project.

    When using excerpts from other people's works to use this method of transmission of someone else's speech, as citation

    When writing a research paper, essays, written statements to use footnotes, which indicate the author and the work, where certain thoughts are taken. At the end of the work it is mandatory to have a bibliography, which contains all information resources. It is also possible to create an application that presents information sources.

    It is not allowed to provide their fellow students with their own material, work performed for personal use.

    Duties of teachers, University staff:

    Promote the implementation of the principles of academic integrity in the practice of their work. Prevent academic dishonesty.

    To create conditions for intellectual and moral education based on ethics and constant development of students.

    To study the normative documents on copyright protection, acting both in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the world community.

    To carry out information work to explain the policy of academic integrity among the parent community.

    During the class, meetings to pay attention to the ways of registration of other people's words and thoughts.

    Keep a strict record of each case of academic dishonesty. To inform the deans of such cases. If necessary, contact the University administration for help.

    Attend seminars and workshops on issues related to academic integrity support.

    6. Responsibility and punishment

    Participants in the educational process should remember that they are morally responsible for violating the principles of academic integrity.

    Plagiarism, purchase and sale of term papers, theses, master's theses is seen as going beyond a simple violation of the rules and is perceived as a serious violation against the community and entails punishment for the use of other people's materials.

    Each case of violation teachers record, and the current or final work of the student / undergraduate is not allowed to the evaluation procedure. The student/student declares a reprimand, further including expulsion.

    Teachers ensure that students are informed that students ' work is checked for plagiarism through a web-based system.

    Librarians provide students and teachers with an agreement on the design of the resources used in the works, bibliography, links to books, magazines and Internet sites, which is available to all participants of the program for use.

    This list of types of academic integrity violations is not exhaustive and may be supplemented as necessary.

    7. Application of measures in case of violation of the Rules

    1. Violations of academic integrity can be identified:

    1) during the current assessment;

    2) during the final evaluation.

    2. In the case of plagiarism, collusion in the current assessment of educational achievements of students:

    1) the teacher draws up an act of violation of the rules in the form according to the Annex to these rules, conducts a conversation with the student. The act of violation of the rules with the relevant material evidence and copies of students ' works are transferred to the Dean of the faculty;

    2) in case of systematic violation (three or more times), the teacher shall draw up an act of violation of the rules in the prescribed form. The act of violation of the rules with the relevant material evidence and copies of students ' works are transferred to the Dean of the faculty, who passes all the documents to the disciplinary Commission.

    3. In the case of fraud during the current assessment of educational achievement of students:

    1) the teacher draws up an act of violation of the rules in the prescribed form, conducts a conversation with the student in the presence of the curator. The act of violation of the rules with the relevant material evidence and copies of students ' works are transferred to the Dean of the faculty;

    2) in case of systematic violation (three or more times), the teacher shall draw up an act of violation of the rules in the prescribed form. The act of violation of rules with the corresponding material evidences and copies of works of pupils are transferred to the Dean who transfers all documents to the disciplinary Commission.

    4. In case of detection of falsification of estimates, data of the estimated work, acquisition of answers of the estimated works in an unfair way, illegal use of information or devices at carrying out the current assessment of educational achievement of pupils:

    The teacher draws up an act of violation of the rules of academic integrity, conducts a conversation with the student in the presence of the curator. The act of violation of the rules with the relevant material evidence and copies of students ' works are transferred to the Dean of the faculty, who passes all the documents to the disciplinary Commission.

    5. In case of plagiarism, collusion, fraud, falsification of estimates, data, the estimated work, the acquisition of answers to the estimated work dishonestly student/undergraduate, as well as the misuse of information or devices in the final evaluation of educational achievements:

    a teacher or a person authorized to attend the examinations shall draw up an act of violation of the rules in the prescribed form. The act of violation of rules with the corresponding material evidences and copies of works of pupils are transferred to the Dean who transfers all documents to the disciplinary Commission. To students who have committed violations, disciplinary measures are applied (reduction of assessment for work to the level of C -, re - execution of written work, reprimand, leaving for the summer trimester on a fee basis, informing parents, posting information on the University website, expulsion from the University).

    6. In the case of bribery, fraud, falsification of data in the performance of the evaluated works of students, the sale of term papers, theses, master's theses, the teacher/employee of the University is subject to disciplinary action up to dismissal.

    7. The organization of work of the Disciplinary Commission is regulated by the regulations and internal regulations of wksu.

    8. Disciplinary commission

    The disciplinary Commission (hereinafter-DC) is created as an independent expert body that protects the rights of participants in the educational process and provides moral and ethical evaluation of the results of educational activities of students of West Kazakhstan state University. M. Utemisova.

    Tasks and functions of the disciplinary Commission

    Main task:

    * prevention of academic dishonesty among students of wksu. M. Utemisov;

    * independent expertise in the event of Academic dishonesty: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, etc.

    • evaluation of compliance with ethical norms and the principles of academic honesty in the performance of any kinds of writing.

    The main functions of DC are:

    * participation in the ethical evaluation of students 'written work and organization of ethical expertise in terms of Academic integrity of students' written work;

    * consideration of controversial issues arising during the academic period and during the interim certification related to academic dishonesty and violation of ethical standards;

    * implementation of measures to implement the principles of academic honesty in the educational process and to prevent students from violating ethical standards of behavior;

    * meetings on the results of the work of the Commission on misconduct;

    * interaction with other bodies of public administration: student administration, student deans of faculties.

    Composition of the disciplinary Commission

    * the composition of the DC is formed from among the administration, teachers, members of the student government and approved by the order of the rector

    * The DC consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Executive Secretary and members (not less than 3), who are appointed for 3 years with possible re-election for a subsequent term.

    Regulations of the disciplinary Commission:

    * DC meetings are held in process of revealing the facts of violation of ethical norms and

    academic dishonesty.

    * DC carries out expert evaluation of written works of students and analyzes the situation associated with the manifestation of Academic dishonesty (facts of cheating, identity of works, overestimation)

    * DC on the results of examination of the submitted written works and analysis of unacceptable behavior of students can make the following conclusion:

    - reduce the assessment for written work in case of detection of several cases of assignment of someone else's text (lack of footnotes citation without attribution)

    - cancel the written work of the student / undergraduate in case of detection of plagiarism, cheating, duplication.

    - recommend the re-holding of the control event;

    - recommend to pass the control event during the summer trimester on a fee basis;

    - reprimand him . ;

    - to be expelled from the University.

    Rights and duties of the disciplinary Commission

    DK has the right:

    - seek assistance from other independent experts and consultants who are experts in various fields;

    - to give explanations, recommendations, instructions and make decisions on issues within its competence;

    - in writing to inform the Dean's offices, the rector's office of their findings and justifications regarding the facts of the misconduct of students of the University;

    - document the activities of the DC, determine the order of meetings, maintain minutes of meetings, notify its members of the upcoming meetings, as well as the organization of meetings;

    - high-quality and timely performance of the functions provided by this provision;

    - organization of DC activities to perform assigned tasks and functions.

    Changes and additions to this regulation are made by drawing up the regulations in the new edition or registration of changes (additions) in the form of annexes to this regulation on the basis of the decision of the academic Council of the University and the order of the rector.

    This regulation comes into force from the date of its approval and is valid until the date of amendments.

    Rules of conduct of students

    in the exam carried out by the method of computer testing

    1. Students are allowed to take the exam by computer testing only in the presence of a record book.

    2. It is forbidden to use cell phones, headphones, flash drives and other means of information transmission at the exam. Upon detection of these objects is recorded in the act of withdrawal, the student is removed from the exam. Retake of the exam is carried out during the summer trimester on a fee basis.

    3. It is forbidden to use Cribs. In case of detection of Cribs the act of withdrawal is drawn up, the student is removed from the exam. Retake is carried out during the summer trimester on a fee basis.

    4. Students who have an unsightly appearance (loose hair, shorts, t-shirts, sportswear, slates, jackets, baseball caps, etc.) are not allowed to take the exam.)

    5. Not allowed in the computer classroom sports bags, backpacks, bags, oversized handbags, outerwear, books, notebooks, exercise books, reference books, dictionaries, etc.

    6. At the exam it is not allowed to chew chewing gum, eat, drink, talk, prompt, change seats, walk around the audience without the need to leave the audience. In case of violation of this requirement, the act is drawn up, the student is removed from the exam. Retake of the exam is carried out during the summer trimester on a fee basis.

    7. In the case of unethical student behavior (talking back, being rude, not response to remarks, unwillingness to comply with the requirements of the rules of conduct, etc.) of the relevant act, the ruling is served to the rector for the adoption of administrative penalties.

    8. The student has the right to appeal not later than the next day for the following technical reasons:

    - no right answer;

    - lack of response;

    - two identical correct answers;

    - the lack of jobs;

    - unreadable job.


    2. What do You think about using for the exam Cribs:

    (A) acceptable

    B) generally acceptable

    D) generally negative

    E) extremely negative

    E) difficult to answer

    3. On any exams, in Your opinion, are the easiest to cancel, use cheat sheets, cell phones:

    (A) written examination

    B) at the oral examination

    B) on the computer test

    D) combined examination

    E) in all exams

    4. Why do you think the students cheating on an exam used crib?

    A) desire to get high scores

    B) ignorance of the subject

    C) lack of preparation in the exam

    D) the teacher allows cheating

    5. What exam, in Your opinion, more objectively assesses the student's knowledge?

    (A) computer testing

    B) oral examination

    C) written examination

    D) combined examination


    students in wksu them. M. Utemisov

    In order to ensure the honesty and integrity of the participants of the educational process in wksu. M. utemisova all students (students and undergraduates) should be guided by the following rules and regulations:

    My personal intellectual efforts are represented by the following results: answers to tests, tests and independent tests, home and laboratory works, projects or other written works.

    I undertake to:

    - avoid delays and absenteeism without a valid reason;

    - independently perform all kinds of tasks;

    - do not use ready-made answers to tests, exercises and assignments, ready written work (essays, term papers, theses, master's theses), no matter how they became available to me;

    - do not use Cribs, electronic means of information and communication in exams;

    - not to pass on my ready answers and work to other students and not to allow behavior that calls into question the honesty and integrity of my training and damaging the final results of other students;

    - when performing written work, do not use someone else's text without references, correct citations;

    - do not use family or service relationships to get a higher score.

    In accordance with the code of academic integrity, I confirm that all my answers and works are the result of personal work and own intellectual efforts.

    I accept these principles and undertake to be aware of and guided by the provisions of the code of academic integrity.


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