Anti-Corruption Compliance Officer: Yeleusinov Talgat Maratovich
Main functions: ensuring compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption in NJSC “West Kazakhstan University named after Makhambet Utemisov”, as well as monitoring the implementation of anti-corruption measures.
Rights and obligations:
- development and updating of standards and policies in the field of anti-corruption compliance;
- carrying out explanatory activities on the issues of combating corruption and the formation of an anti-corruption culture;
- taking measures to identify, monitor and resolve conflicts of interest;
- control over compliance with anti-corruption legislation, as well as the corporate code of ethics;
- conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks;
- conducting internal audits based on applications (complaints) about facts of corruption and/or participation in them;
- coordination of work to reduce corruption risks;
- participate in the development of draft state programs, regulatory legal acts and their implementation within their competence;
- organize and hold meetings on issues within their competence;
- ensure the confidentiality of persons who apply for alleged or actual facts of corruption, violations of the corporate code of ethics and other internal policies and procedures on anti-corruption compliance;
- carry out other actions that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Reception schedule for teachers, staff, students, on issuesanti-corruption compliance:
- daily from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.30, break from 13.00 to 14.30
- Address: RK, Uralsk, N. Nazarbayev Ave., 162, West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov, 8 building 104 room.
For contacts:
Helpline: 8 705 234 66 10