Directions of scientific research

    Directions of scientific researches

    The main thematic directions of scientific researches of M. Utemissov WKU faculties


    Name of the faculty

    The main thematic directions of scientific researches


    Faculty of Natural and Geography




    Studying of biological diversity of the Western Kazakhstan

    Geobotanical researches of a soil and vegetable cover of the Western Kazakhstan

    Territorial differentiation of the nature, population and economy of the Western Kazakhstan

    Creation of new types of local mineral raw materials based on industrial waste


    Faculty of Pedagogics

    Scientific and methodical bases of the organization of inclusive education

    Theory and methodological bases of the integrated and personal focused education

    Psychology of the personality

    Scientific bases of adaptive culture and formation of a healthy lifestyle, etc.


    Faculty of History, Economy and Law

    Increases in legal literacy in formation of civil society

    Ethno confessional and socio-political processes in a system the international relations: top trends and regional study analysis

    Social and economic aspects of development of modern Kazakhstan

    Registration financial factors of development of economy of RK in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution

    Political history of the Kazakhstan, economy and ethnology, etc.


    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

    Interdisciplinary connections of natural sciences in the content of modern education in universities and schools

    Formation of a complete system of physical science in the course of training

    Modern approaches to the integration of fundamental scientific problems of information technology and AI into the content of natural science education in universities and schools


    Faculty of Philology

    Theory and history of language.

    Comparative typology of languages and cross-cultural communication.

    Literary heritage of the Western Kazakhstan (literary study of local lore), etc.


    Faculty of Culture and Art

    Musical culture, art and formation of the Western Kazakhstan

    Traditional culture of Kazakhs: genesis and evolution

    Studying, development and use of traditional technologies of creation of objects of the modern art in the conditions of higher education institution, etc.



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    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

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