Self-certification of university

    West Kazakhstan State University 

     behalf M. Utemisov:
     self-assessment of high school 2013. 

     {tab=WKSU today}


    WKSU today 

    West KazakhstanState University.M. Utemisovis oneof the oldestuniversities in the country.In1932in Uralsk, launched the secondin KazakhstanPedagogical Institute.In 1937,the 100th anniversaryof Alexander Pushkin, he wasnamed after the greatRussianpoet.February 14, 2000.was created bythe West-Kazakhstan State University.May 30, 2003Resolution ofthe Government ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan№497WestKazakhstan State Universityis namedMahambetUtemisov. 

            Among the outstandinggraduatesrepresentatives of political andscientific eliteof Kazakhstanand neighboring countries:BSAitimova-former Minister of Educationand Science,now - thePlenipotentiaryRepresentative of Kazakhstanto the United Nations;INTasmagambetov- Akim ofAlmaty,Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor EmeritusWKSU;LITrouble -twiceHero of the SovietUnion, pilot;RIWhat for-Academy of Sciences ofTatarstan,Doctor of Historical Sciences;B.ZhelezchikovandmucTodayWKSU7 faculties,24 departments, research centers, ITcenters, laboratories.  

           The university has8 academic buildings, dormitories, sports facilitiesand more. 

           Training is carried outon 52undergraduate majors, 24Master's,there are licensesPO4specialties of doctoral. 

    Currently, thetotal number ofstudentsWKSUis4790people, includingfull-time education3293-Accordingto thecorrespondence1497.state educational grantstrained1,140persons (23.8%).The proportion of studentsenrolledin the official languagein the2012-2013academic yearis 68.2%.Currentlyenrolled186undergraduate;bythe state educational orderof 136 people,on a commercial basis-50 people. 

           In 2008,WKSUpassedanotherstate certificationin 2010,has been accredited bythe NACMES RK. 

    {tab=Personnel potential}

    Personnel potential

    The total number offaculty members(PPP)for the 2012-2013 academicyear is396 people.The share offull-time teachersof the total84.5%.WinPPPwithacademic degrees and titles-48.5%. 

    The average age offull-timefacultysostavlyaet-40 years.Number of PhDsas a percentage ofthe total number ofPPS-7.9.In the official languagetrainingclasses are conducted-70.7%ROE.Preparation ofscientific andpedagogical staff throughmaster'sand doctoralPhD.                 For 3 yearsfrom 2010 to 2012, he defended hismaster's thesis-115 people.Copyrightrequalifyand18master's theses.In 2010defended 4doctoral theses,including 3in the Republic ofKazakhstan,1 -inRussian. 

    Over 3 yearsimproved their skillsin thecentral universitiesof Kazakhstan128teachers.Inside thehigh school -440 people. 

    Total number ofadministrative staffof 20 people.Of themdoctors-5,PhD -12. 

    WinAUPwithacademic degrees and titlesof the total workforceof 85%.The average age ofAPM- 46years. 

    Rector -ImangalievAshatSalimovich- doctor of pedagogicalsciences, professor. 

    First Vice-Rector-TasmagambetovA.S.-Doctor of Historical Sciences. 

    Vice-Rector forTeaching and Studies-ZhusupkalievaG.K.-Ph.D.,Associate Professor. 

    Vice Rector for Researchand International Relations-MұқtarӘ.Қ.-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. 

    Vice-rectoron educational workand social issues-DarishevaTM-Ph.D.,Associate Professor. 

     {tab=Financial and economic activity} 

    Financial and economic activity 

    Financial and economic activityWKSUthem.M. Utemisovover 3 yearsto be effective,profitability of its operationsreached 10% . 

    Observeda marked increasein the acquisitionof educational andmethodical literature, laboratoryand office equipment. 

    Social aid to veterans, pensioners,students, staffisin accordance with Regulation. 

    Significantexpenditure sideof the budgetisgrantandcompensationfor travelobuchayuschimsya.Materialnayaassistance is providedto students,orphans, the disabled.Organizedfree mealsfor students,orphans, the disabled. 

    The amount of fundsallocated for theimprovement of professional skillssufficient. 

    Averageexpenditureper studentcorresponds to the levelof costsprovided bythe state order. 

    Transparencyprovidedaccommodationplan's financial and economicactivitieson the site www.gosreestr.kz

     {tab=Educational and methodical work} 

    Educational and methodical work  

    Provision ofSESandTupov-100% . 

    Formation ofQEDis carried out onthe results of surveysof employers and graduates. 

    Designedmodulareducational programs.

     In all specialtiespreparedworkerscurricula andeducational-methodical complexesdisciplines (UMKD). 

    Whendepartmentsare functioningscientific seminar(NMS).Conductedmethodicaltraining seminars, teachingweeksThe generatedvideobasematerials-master classes, presentations andopen sessions.  

    Every yearthere is a contestof the facultyWKSUintroducing innovativelearning technologies. 

    Inthe 2011-2012 academicyear, the averageperformanceof the universitywas-98.5%enrolled in thegrant-98.5%enrolledon a fee basis-99%. 

    In the 2010-2011academic year, thePGAprocedureinvolved542students.The average for thefunctionwas78.8points. 

    In the2011-2012academic year, theprocedureTDMA259studentsparticipatedin 12 specialtiesUniversity.The average for thefunctionwas 114points. 

    Inthe 2011-2012 school yearpassedthe state examinationsandwere rated"excellent"59.3% of students,11.1%-"excellent" and"good",16.6% of studentsreceived diplomaswith honors. 

    InWKSUthem.M.Utemisovpractical stepsfor the implementation ofthe Bologna processparameters. 

    A program forthe implementation ofmultilingual educationinWKSUim.M.Utemisovafor2012 - 2016years-recommended byMON RK. 

    Joint educational programsin the field:"Physics"with theUniversity.Casimir the Great(g.Bydgosch, Poland); "Mathematics"with theUniversity.Otto vonGuericke(Magdeburg, Germany).  

    Academic Mobility- outgoingmobilityof118students,81graduate students, 41faculty.Incomingmobility- 9students,1graduate student,64PPP. 

    The university hasdeveloped and usedits own software productsare soldtocase technology,network technologyand TVtechnology. 

     {tab=Research work} 

    Research work 

    InWKSUoperatesresearch centers: 

    Center for the Historyof Kazakhstanand local history; 

    Center for Biotechnologyand Environmental Research; 

    Center of regionaleconomic problems; 


    Center "Mahambet"; 

    Centre for ChemicalResearch and Technology. 

                    For2010-2012,the university hadfunded16projects, of which13 projects-under the state orderandbudgetary financing.3 projectswere carried outby orderof business entities. 

                    InWKSUthem.M.Utemisovthere are a numberof youth associations:NGO "Young Scientists CouncilWKO"IPO "Jaseconomist"IPO "Akikat"engagedin research work.Over theperiod 2010-2012.NGO "Young Scientists CouncilWKO"implemented11 projects,the IPO "JasEconomist" has won3of the project,the IPO "Akikat"implemented12 projects.  

          In2012, the numberof students' scientificassociations- 35, the number ofstudents involvedin R & D- 1215. 

    University scientistsare working closelywith colleagues fromPoland, Germany, USA, Ukraine, Russia. 

    Universityfacultyis actively involved invarious levelsof scientific and theoretical, scientific and practicalconferences heldon the basis ofhigher educational institutionsof Kazakhstan, RussiaandUkraine, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, USA.Over theperiod 2010-2012. Publishedmore than 1,800scientific articles.  

    In 2012,produced 15books andscientific papers,60educational andteaching aids,electronictextbook21. 

    The total amount ofresearchcarried outat the expense ofexternal financingand equityin 2010 -7500.0thousand.Tenge,in 2011 -13,596.0thousand.Tenge,in 2012 -96,807.8thousand. tenge. 


    Information and methodological support of educational and library process 

    The university hasdeveloped and usedsoftware products,whichincludecertificates of authorship: 

    software system "Schedulingtraining sessionsWKSU"; 

    software complex "systemtest control"; 

    surveyprogram"Teacher ofStudents' Eyes"; 

    automated system"Antiplagiat"; 

    electronic magazine«e-Journal v.2.0»; 

    Automated Information System «Makhambet». 

    The library fundis-1,042,066items,the amount ofeducational,methodical and scientific literaturehas-971 023items,inVol. H.,The Kazakh language-399,511items,and others.,languages ​​-ed.hr9884..Atone studentaccounts-more than 140copies. 

    ScientificLibrary of the Universityhas tenreading rooms.In eachcase there areacademicreading rooms:Humanities(№1),Natural Sciences(№2),HistoricalandLegal Sciences(№3),Art andCulture(№4),Economics(№5),Hall ofscientists(№6)Electronic Reading Room(№7),natural andgeographical Sciences(№8),musical works andmusic publications(№9)and a reading roomin thedormitories.Number of seats inthe reading rooms ofthe libraryis 600seats. 

     {tab=Education work} 

    Educational work 

    At the University ofthe Council for theeducational work.In eachfaculty thereCouncilcurators.The university hasestablished4youth organizations:DebateCenter "Aқiқat", "JasEconomist", "The unionof studentsWKSU,""Council of Young Scientists". 

    Student governmententeredthe Universityin 2005. 

    RectorateUniversityscholarshipsnamedM.Utemisov;Pushkin;V. Ivanov;A.D.Taymanova;M.M.Tleuzhanova;MES RKallocated15scholarshipsnamed after the FirstPresident of KazakhstanNursultan Nazarbayev;as well asto support thetalented studentsof MES RKannually awardsscholarshipsRepublican:Al-Farabi,M.Tulebayev,T.Musrepova.Studentswho have attainedsuccessin the field ofeconomics,presented annuallyto the appointment ofa branch ofthe People's BankScholarship. 

    Inthe 22clubsinvolved inmore than 900universitystudents.More than 300studentsare members of thecreative teams. 

    The universityintroduced the "Shynyқsaңshymyrbolarsyң"students spendweeklysporting eventsat the Sports Palace.In the17sports sectionsof the Universityengagedmore than 300 students. 


    Employment of graduates  

    Indexof employmentofgraduateswho studiedon the basis ofthe state educational grantan average of81.2%, and amongowners ofruralquota, this figureis usuallyhigher. 

    To create an effectivesystemto promoteemploymentof university graduatesare working onagreementson cooperation and partnershipwith employers.As at01.11.2012was signed10memorandums of cooperation withAkimatsareasof West Kazakhstan regionandUralsk. 

    To maximize theemployment of graduatesWKSUim.M.Utemisovaduring the lastfive years,the universityorganizes and conductsCareer Day. 

    An important factor inpromoting theemployment of graduatesandstudents is thecreation of an informationsystem,established its ownweb sitecareer centerCaraman-Mansap- Marketinghttp://tylek.wksu.kz/.The site includesthe following components:informationon the issuegroups(in the formof annual reportingof employment);informationabout the practicesand opportunitiesfor future employmentat the requestof employers;informationfeedback;Informationon employment of graduates. 

    According to the surveyof employersfound thata very high levelof graduatesWKSUbelieve34%of employers surveyed, 48% ofthe organization's representativesconsider the levelof preparation ofhighWKSU.



    In themaster'sUniversity(research and teachingprofileanddirection)trained186undergraduates:in the first year- 115undergraduates(80 -under the state order,35 -for a fee)on the second -71undergraduates(56 -under the state order, 15 -for a fee. 

    An educational programat the universityprovidesundergraduateswith free access tointernational information networks,electronic databases,to library collections, computer technologies,teaching methods andthe scientific literature.The content ofthe research/productionpracticesdetermined by the themeof dissertation research.



    ForundergraduatesWKSUannuallylecturesinvited foreignprofessors. 

    Resultson the basis ofacademic achievementof undergraduatesof winter and summersessions,2010-2011,2011-2012,2012-2013Account.sis-100%. 

    All graduate studentsWKSUcoveredin research work:participationin scientific conferencesat various levels, researchonmaster's theses. 

    Every yearundergraduatesWKSUall specialtiesareresearch trainingin foreign universities.in 2010,research fellowin foreign universitieshave been85% ofundergraduates,in 2011, the figure is-87%in 2012 -96%. 

     {tab=Quality Management} 

    Quality management in education 

    Based on the state of legal acts adopted by the University, "The concept of development WKSU them. M. Utemisov 2020 "and the Strategic Development Plan up to 2015 planning efficiency reached 90 percent or more. 

    For public participation in the management of the Board of Trustees of the university act, Alumni Association, Council of Employers. 

    The openness of the university provided the availability of information. 

    Formation of educational content and is based on surveys of employers. 

    WKSU them M.Utemisov introduced and certified quality management system in accordance with the standard ST RK ISO 9001-2009. 

    The University provides continuous monitoring of progress and attendance of students, which is carried out on the basis of the journal tutor ASU "Plato" and the e-zine. 

    In order to achieve an objective assessment of the university have developed software systems, "Electronic Journal", "tester complex", "Anti-plagiarism". 

    Requirements for the quality of teaching and training implemented through PPP vzaimoposescheny sessions of teaching workshops and open sessions, master classes, work of the expert committee and rating PPP. 

    Effective tool for obtaining information characterizing the quality of the educational process at the University is its sociological monitoring. 

    Students and faculty members have the opportunity to make an appointment to all the heads of the University or contact them via the mailbox system and helpline. 

    In 2010, the university has passed the national institutional accreditation NAC MES RK. 



    According to the analysis of all the activities of the West Kazakhstan State University named after MV Utemisov Commission on self-certification of a number of comments: 

    On university-wide departments need to increase the number of teachers with academic degrees and titles; 

    There is a lack of state orders and prepare for the four open-specialties of doctoral  PhD;  

    To raise funds of enterprises and organizations to educate students should actively develop the system of social partnership; 

    Further development of academic mobility should be implemented at the expense of extra, extra-budgetary funds; 

    Increased efforts are needed to attract young researchers of the University to participate in collaborative research with foreign universities, funded research projects; 

    To promote healthy lifestyles, the development of mass sports, of cultural events in addition to those sports palaces, gyms, outdoor facilities required to consider the construction of novogoDvortsa Sports. 

    Conclusions and suggestions 

    Commission on self-certification notes that the University over the past three years has made considerable progress on the implementation of the state policy in the field of higher education, the improvement of the educational process, strengthening of human resource capacity, improve the efficiency of research and development of material and technical base. 

                    The Commission notes that the educational activity of the university is conducted in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" and meet the qualification requirements for the licensing of educational activities and proposes to consider the institution and all specialties of West Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisov ready to hold state certification.