Project theme «Spiritual shrines of the near-abroad Kazakhs (on the example of the regions of the Russian Federation bordering with Western Kazakhstan)»


    Spiritual values are means of consolidation and identity of the nation. Creating a unified network of places of memory throughout our country, the cultural and geographical belt of shrines in Kazakhstan is one of the elements of the framework of national identity.

    A new direction now is the search and study of significant places associated with historical figures and places of memory abroad. These include burials of famous natives of the Kazakh steppes located outside the country and other sacred objects and places associated with historical and political events that have an enduring value in the memory of the people of Kazakhstan, as well as especially revered monuments of the natural landscape and cultural heritage, secular and religious architecture, mausoleums. 

    Project goal 

    Investigation of sacred objects, significant places associated with historical figures abroad for creating cultural and geographical belt of Kazakh people shrines.

    It is explained by need for scientific identification of roots, analyzing objective conditions and subjective factors of emergence and cultural codes function which origins go back to the past. 

     Expected Results 

    1. Will be published at least 7 articles (incl. the foreign rating edition WebofScience/Scopus – 1; journals recommended by CQAEA MES RK – 2; collected papers of international and national conferences – 4), in which new archival documents about individuals associated with historical and political events that have an enduring value in the memory of the people of Kazakhstan will be introduced into scientific circulation; local spiritual shrines identified during field expeditions to the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov, Orenburg, and Samara regions that are significant for Kazakhs living outside of our country will be brought to the scientific community; the typology and periodization of sacred places will be described.

    Supposed editions for publishing for publishing the project results in the foreign rating publication WebofScience/Scopus:

    (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?area=1200&wos=true&type=j&category=1201): Journal of Visual Culture (0.494 Q1, процентиль – 31,22), Bylye Gody (0.194 Q2, процентиль – 27.47), History and Memory (0.152 Q2, процентиль – 64.33), Quaestio Rossica (0.140 Q1, процентиль – 26.09).

    Supposed editions for publishing the project results in journals recommended by COXON MES RK: Bulletin of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Series historical sciences, philosophy, religious studies, Kazakh tarikhy, Kazakhstan – Spectrum (KISI), Bulletin of KazNU. Historical series, Bulletin of Karaganda University (history, philosophy series), Otan tarikhy, Bulletin of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan University, "edu.e-history.kz" international electronic scientific journal.

    1. Will be prepared for publication the encyclopedia of spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs of Orenburg, Saratov, Astrakhan, Samara regions of the RF to solve the problem of using the cultural heritage of the Kazakhs of border regions to contribute to the formation of a framework of national identity.
    2. Research will be carried out on the awareness of young people about sacred geography as an indicator of the development of their humanitarian culture.
    3. The research results will be disseminated among potential users, the community of scientists and the general public through the publication of regional and republican media, lectures at seminars and advanced training courses for teachers of schools and universities, development of recommendations, publication of scientific articles. Also, to expand new channels of communication between residents of Western Kazakhstan and the Kazakh ethnos in the near abroad, round tables and network quizzes will be held.
    • scope and target consumers of the expected results.

    The propaganda of knowledge about historical monuments and significant personalities of the Kazakh people will be carried out as the basis of national education for the development of historical and social memory in the younger generation, a value attitude to national culture, and the spiritual heritage of the Kazakh ethnos. The materials will be of interest for enriching university lecture courses on the history of Kazakhstan, historical local history, cultural studies. They can be used for local history lessons in schools, in educational work.

    The main consumers of the obtained research results are educational institutions, mass media, ethnocultural societies, local history communities. The research results will also be applied in the preparation of students and undergraduates of the specialties "History", "Regional Studies" and "Pedagogy".

    2) the impact of the expected results on the development of the main scientific direction and related fields of science and technology.

    The research results will contribute to the development of the scientific direction “Spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan. Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan "and, first of all, in its new direction, associated with the search and study of significant places associated with historical figures and places of memory abroad.

    3) applicability and (or) the possibility of commercializing the obtained scientific results. Promotion of knowledge about historical monuments and significant personalities of the Kazakh people should become the basis for the development of commercial external cultural tourism. 

    Achieved results 

    The publications, mainly of foreign authors, were identified, on the basis of which a theoretical understanding of the collected empirical material was carried out.

    An analysis of the results of previously published studies was carried out and the identification of key issues on which previous studies gave conflicting results, or they were not studied.

    Based on the materials obtained during field expeditions, a description of the typology of the sacred places of the Kazakhs in the studied areas of the near abroad is carried out. Spiritual practices (forms of commemoration) related to the sacred essence of holy places have been studied and described.

    A survey of young people in the border regions of the Russian Federation and the border areas of the WKO was carried out to determine their awareness of the sacred places of Kazakhs in the Astrakhan, Orenburg, Samara, Saratov and Volgograd regions.

    7 scientific articles and 4 reports at international scientific and practical conferences have been written and submitted to the press.

    The propaganda of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs, about historical monuments and significant personalities of the Kazakh people was carried out through publication in regional and republican print media, television programs, and placement on Internet sites. An international scientific and practical online conference "The role of cross-border cooperation in the study and promotion of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs

    The study may be of interest to religious scholars, anthropologists, historians and those interested in the preservation of cultural heritage. 

    Research team

    Nurgaliyeva Аgila Mustakhimovna – Project Leader, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate professor.

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    ORCID  (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4447-5935

    Kaliyeva Zhadyra Abzhamiyevna – senior scientific worker, master

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    ORCID  (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4125-7684

    Amen Askhat Zhangeldievich.– senior scientific worker, master

    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    ORCID  (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4275-3516


    1) An article by A. Nurgalieva and J. Kalieva with information on the work of the conference "Let's Preserve the Spiritual Shrines of the Kazakhs" was published in the newspaper "Pulse" and posted on the Information Portal "Puls": http://puls-zko.kz/?p=22466

    2) Nurgalieva A.M. Places of memory of the near abroad associated with Kurmngazy Sagyrbayuly // Otan tarikhy. - 2021. - No. 3. - P. 24-32

    3) Nurgalieva A.M., Esirkenova A.M. Forms of work with memorial places to expand and deepen the knowledge of schoolchildren on the history and culture of the Kazakh people / Modern science: topical issues, achievements and innovations: a collection of articles of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza: ICNS "Science and Education", 2021. - P. 132-135

    4) Nurgalieva A.M., Amen A.Zh. "Resey Federation sons of Astrakhan to wife Orynbor oblystary Kazakhtarynyk kieli (Kasietti) zherleri zhune solarmen bailanisty commemorativetik tuzhiribeleri" in the journal "Bulletin of KarSU".

    5) Nurgalieva A.M., Tastaeva Zh.K. "Spiritual shrines of the Astrakhan Kazakhs and commemorative practices" in the journal "Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University" Historical series

    6) Nurgalieva A.M., Amen A.Zh., Tukesheva N.M. "Sacred places of the Orenburg Kazakhs" in the magazine "Eurasia",

    7) Nurgalieva A.M., Nurgaliev K.A., "Kazakh traditional riddles as a reflection of ethnic mentality" in the journal "Cultural-Historical Psychology".

    8) Nurgalieva A.M. Joint work of scientific communities and public associations of Kazakhstan and Russia to create a cultural and geographical belt of the shrines of the Kazakh people / Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference "The role of cross-border cooperation in the study and promotion of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs" October 14, 2021 (in print )

    9) Kalieva Zh.A. Resey Territorysynday Sacraldi Geographyғa Katysty Eskertkishter Turaly Aleumettanulyқ Zertteudin Korytyndylary / Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference "The role of cross-border cooperation in the study and promotion of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs" October 14, 2021 (in print)

    10) Amen A. Zh. Ұly dalanyң Kөkke samғaғan Kyrany, N Maidanov haқynda / Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference "The role of cross-border cooperation in the study and promotion of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of Kazakhs" October 14, 2021 (in print)

    11) Amen A.Zh. Zhad (estelik) oryndarynyk gylymi zhuedegi orny / In the same place

    Prepared for publication of the article:

    12) Amen A. Zh., Kalieva Zh.A. "Reseylik Kazakhtardyk Resey zherindegi Kazakh madenietine katysty eskertkishter turaly oy-pikirlerin zertteu korytyndylary" in the journal "Bulletin of KazNU. Series of Psychology and Sociology "

    13) Nurgalieva A.M., Amen A.Zh. "Dalalyk zertteu ntizheleri boyinsha tayau shehel Kazakhtaryn kieli murasy (RF Mysalynda)" in the magazine "Adam Alemi".


    In order to promote knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs, on October 26, 2021, members of the research group - scientific leader A.M. Nurgalieva and senior researcher Kalieva Zh.A. took part in the TV show "Kunshuak" of the regional television, dedicated to the topic "The spiritual heritage of the Kazakhs of Russia." They talked about the essence of their project, answered numerous questions from the presenter and viewers.

    The recording of the program is posted: https://youtu.be/OaRDhtkc73o, Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/aqjaiyq/ and on the website of the AQJAYIQ TV channel / Ақzhaiyқ telearnasy: Website - http://oraltv.kz/ru.

    Picture E 7 - TV program on the topic “Spiritual heritage of the Kazakhs of Russia” (see Appendix E).

    Based on the materials obtained in the course of the work described in the second, third and fourth sections, the following results were obtained.


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    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

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