AP08855684 Synergetics of Kazakh lexical innovations self-organization in mental lexicon: methodological platform for interdisciplinary modeling

    Relevance of the topic

    President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, has repeatedly emphasized in his speeches that “Facing new challenges requires the protection and preservation of national values, mainly the Kazakh language, because a language is the foundation to form a nation. More precisely, national security begins when there is a high conscious respect for the language”. Therefore, the issues of the Kazakh language development and functioning, as the state language and the language of international communication, has gained particular importance for the implementation of national policy priority areas in our country. Above all, this approach to the language strategy, taking into account the Kazakh alphabet formation based on Latin graphics, requires a new scientific validity for studying the fundamental and applied problems of Kazakh linguistics. Currently, updating the Kazakh language lexical system can based on lexical innovations (neo-lexicon/neologisms) appeared due to dynamic processes that reflect the adaptation of the language to the changes taking place in the political, economic, and social spheres of society. Within the framework of new scientific linguistic paradigms, this problem is now becoming ever more urgent.

    Project goal.

    The project is aimed to create an interdisciplinary model of Kazakh lexical innovations self-organization in mental vocabulary using a synergetic methodological platform. It is also intended to offer scientific and applied recommendations on further expansion of LI functioning in the social and communicative space by implementing theoretical and empirical research.

    Expected results. As a result of the project, an interdisciplinary model of LI self-organization in a person’s mental lexicon will be proposed using the synergetic methodological platform. It will be presented in the form of scientific articles (1 article in the peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed by Scopus databases that are either in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd quartile and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35; 6 articles in publications recommended by CCESS or in peer-reviewed foreign peer-reviewed publications with a non-zero impact factor; 1 article in materials of foreign scientific and practical conferences), a scientific monograph, and a dictionary.

    Results achieved

    According to the plan, work has been completed on the presentation of the theoretical base for interdisciplinary modeling of the concentration of kazakhized lexical innovations (hereinafter referred to as LI) in the mental lexicon on the methodological platform of synergetics. According to the results obtained, it is considered in the aspects of lexicology, as well as in the issues of Kazakh language culture and literary norms. The development and functioning of the state language over the past quarter of a century is characterized by intensive use of the internal potential of the Kazakh language, as a result of which a large number of lies have appeared, especially in written communication. However: a) between the implementation of the requirements to strengthen the state status of the Kazakh language by expanding its lexical and semantic capabilities and the use of LI at different levels in the official, business, socio-cultural communication act of various social groups; B) the desire to preserve the viability of the language, a high language culture and the free use of other language elements in various communication situations; B) there are a number of contradictions between the insufficient scientific substantiation of the processes of codification and normalization of the LI and the subjective assessment of the linguistic, socio-political significance of kazakhized words by some strata of society.

    In general, at the synchronous stage of development, a meta-analysis was carried out using the methodological platform of synergetics for dynamic changes present in the lexical composition of the Kazakh language; including an assessment of the interdisciplinary possibilities of studying LI in accordance with synergistic principles. The results of the conducted research show that the subject of synergy is evolution, development, and change in complex systems. Such a complex phenomenon is the result of dynamic processes in systems. The definition of language as a dynamic phenomenon begins very early in the teaching of linguistics. However, the synergistic direction of science has expanded the scope of interpretation of the dynamics of language. In this regard, language synergy requires the study of dynamic processes in a language and its subsystems in accordance with synergistic principles. The formation of synergy as a unique methodological platform for the study of complex systems was considered, as well as the concept of "dynamics" and its meaning in relation to language were analyzed.

    In order to identify the "immunity against foreign language influence" of the kazakhized LI in the natural and humanitarian Sciences, as well as to collect and systematize factual materials, the content of education in the didactic base of the general education system (textbooks on Natural Science in the Kazakh language) and the draft "new humanitarian knowledge. Within the framework of the project" 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language", a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the content of educational and scientific translation literature (on philosophy, management and psychology) was carried out. In the course of the study, it was found that the proposed question about the synergistic features of the concentration of LI in the mental lexicon is also relevant in connection with the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script. In the context of the modernization of public consciousness and the transition to the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics, the study of the processes of concentration of Kazakh lexical innovations in the mental lexicon becomes particularly relevant.

    In this regard, the systematization and generalization of kazakhized lexical innovations from a scientific and practical point of view will make a real contribution to one of the priority directions of language policy in Kazakhstan-the improvement of the lexical fund of the language, the unification and formation of new language units, the successful formation of the national corpus of the Kazakh language, as well as the definition of the methodological basis for students' assimilation of lexical innovations and the development of a methodological system for specialized schools will contribute to the improvement and standardization of the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language, increasing the need for the Kazakh language. The main immunity of the nation's language to other linguistic influences is kazakhization. Assessment of the immunity of the Kazakh language to other language influences requires an analysis of the kazakhized lexical innovations in the educational content of the general education system. It is also planned to hold a seminar “new humanitarian knowledge. Large-scale work has begun on the implementation of the project” 100 new textbooks". According to preliminary data, 54 works from the world scientific literature fund in humanitarian areas have been translated and included in the education system in recent years. The rich material created by translation is important for the development of many branches of the Kazakh language.

    The concept of "mental lexicon" as a synergistic phenomenon was clarified; in accordance with the synergistic principles, specific characteristics inherent in the concentration and structure of the mental lexicon in ontogenesis and cognitive, psycholinguistic aspects were studied. In the course of the study, the study of LI from the point of view of synergetics and the use of synergistic principles require an explanation of the concept of "mental lexicon", since it was proved that the mental lexicon is the central point of concentration of lexical innovations in the individual's consciousness. Using synergistic principles, it is possible to build an interdisciplinary predictive model of the concentration of LI in the mental lexicon. The dynamics of the Kazakh language proves that there are a number of factors that contribute to the concentration of LI in the language consciousness and, accordingly, in the mental lexicon.

    Work continues on providing an empirical basis for interdisciplinary modeling of the concentration of Kazakh LI in the mental lexicon on the methodological platform of synergetics. The methodological platform of synergetics is a complex of integrative theoretical and empirical methods and approaches, as well as universal principles of an interdisciplinary nature. The most important experiments carried out in the project form the empirical basis of the study. In general, these experiments open the way to the study of language perception by language owners by verifying (verifying) an interdisciplinary model of the concentration of lexical discoveries in the mental lexicon. Scientific prerequisites for conducting experiments were determined; an alternative experiment and an experiment using the priming method were organized and conducted in order to represent the specificity inherent in the recognition (recognition / recognition) of LI semantics.

    Along with other problems of Kazakh linguistics related to the implementation of a large-scale national ideology aimed at modernizing public consciousness, it becomes relevant to consider the processes of concentration of lexical innovations in the mental lexicon of an individual. An effective methodology for studying such a complex system, universal principles can be proposed by a new style of scientific thinking – synergy. Types of empirical methods, including an alternative experiment and an experiment using the priming method, the possibilities of synergistic modeling of the concentration of kazakhized lexical innovations in the mental lexicon were analyzed.

    As a result of the project, work continues on the development and publication of 1 article in a peer-reviewed scientific publication, which is included in the 1st or 2nd or 3rd quartile and (or) has an indicator of at least 35 (thirty-five) percentiles On CiteScore, indexed in the International Scopus database. As it turned out at the initial stage of Article development, the perception of LI for the mental lexicon is a complex and continuous process in ontogenesis. In the mental lexicon, there is a constant interpretation of the information received about the neologism. According to the synergistic methodology, this phenomenon contributes to the creation of nonlinear, fluctuating, and unstable new words in the mental lexicon: a) nonlinear in the mental lexicon – the lie is represented by the codifying body; the lie is under the supervision of regulatory activities; however, the way of penetration of the lie into the core of the mental lexicon is uneven; B) fluctuations in the mental lexicon-the resulting lie is not immediately consciously perceived by the language owners, obstacles arise to penetrate the core; B) instability in the mental lexicon – LI and their foreign language equivalents are used in parallel; despite the semantic clarity of LI, there is a frequency of use of the foreign language variant, and therefore the position of LI in the mental lexicon is unstable.


    1. Aldasheva Kamar – doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Scientific supervisor of the project. Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56674595500
    2. Aldash Aimankul – doctor of philological sciences, professor. Chief researcher of the project. Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57212463375
    3. Sultaniyazova Indira – doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Leading researcher of the project. Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56178765200
    4. Imankulova Meruert – doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Leading researcher of the project. Scopus Author ID: (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57203466344
    5. Nabidullin Aibolat – doctoral student. Senior researcher of the project. Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57212465403


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    3. Алдашева К.С., Иманқұлова М.А. Қазақыландырылған лексикалық жаңалықтардың өзге тілдік әсерге қарсы иммунитеті (жалпы білім беру жүйесінің білім мазмұны негізінде) // Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы. – №1. – 2021. – Б. 24-32.
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    5. Алдашева К.С., Султаниязова И.С. Тіл синергетикасы vs. тіл динамикасы // Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире. – 2021. – Вып. 5 (73). Часть 8. – C. 94-100.


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