Scientific projects


    Project name

    A sub-priority

    Scientific supervisor


    Ecohydrological determinants of the functioning of lakes in Western Kazakhstan from the point of view of the foresight concept

    The research proposed in the framework of the project is designed to complement the existing knowledge about the impact of hydrological conditions on the habitat of hydrobionts

    Sergaliev Nurlan Khabibullovich


    Literary heritage of the Zhayik-Caspian region and contemporary Kazakh literature

    Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities

    Mutiyev Zinulla Zhaksylykovich


    Historical geography of the North-Eastern Caspian region of the Golden Horde era

    Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities

    Sagidullayev Daryn Zainullaevich


    Study of the biodiversity of fossil marine reptiles in Western Kazakhstan

    Geology, mining and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and designs

    Yakupova Jamilya Bolatovna


    Distribution, genetic diversity and protection of snakes in Western Kazakhstan

    Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology

    Akhmedenov Kazhmurat Maksutovich


    Part-time training in the conditions of digitalization of vocational education

    Research in the field of education and science

    Medetova Aigul Baktagaleevna


    IRN AP09563101 Project topic "Assessment of the state of hydrobionts and microbiome of water bodies in Western Kazakhstan and forecast of their change"

    Фундаментальные исследования в области биологии животных, растений и микроорганизмов; фундаментальные исследования

    Сергалиев Нурлан Хабибуллович


    Project theme: Poetics of modern Kazakh literature: tradition and innovations (on the works of West Kazakhstan's poets and writers)

    Общность истории и культуры, литературы и языка, традиций и ценностей в условиях модернизации общества.

    Мутиев Зинулла Жаксылыкович


    Synergetics of Kazakh lexical innovations self-organization in mental lexicon: methodological platform for interdisciplinary modeling

    Новое гуманитарное знание. Синергетические исследования в области гуманитарных наук.

    Алдашева Камар Сагингалиевна


    Spiritual shrines of the near-abroad Kazakhs (on the example of the regions of the Russian Federation bordering with Western Kazakhstan)

    Духовные святыни Казахстана. Сакральная география Казахстана

    Нургалиева Агила Мустахимовна


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    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

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