Project name |
A sub-priority |
Scientific supervisor |
AP23483830 | The research proposed in the framework of the project is designed to complement the existing knowledge about the impact of hydrological conditions on the habitat of hydrobionts |
Sergaliev Nurlan Khabibullovich |
AP19676441 |
Literary heritage of the Zhayik-Caspian region and contemporary Kazakh literature |
Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities |
Mutiyev Zinulla Zhaksylykovich |
АР19174780 |
Historical geography of the North-Eastern Caspian region of the Golden Horde era |
Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities |
Sagidullayev Daryn Zainullaevich |
АР19177208 |
Study of the biodiversity of fossil marine reptiles in Western Kazakhstan |
Geology, mining and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and designs |
Yakupova Jamilya Bolatovna |
AP19675960 |
Distribution, genetic diversity and protection of snakes in Western Kazakhstan |
Rational use of water resources, flora and fauna, ecology |
Akhmedenov Kazhmurat Maksutovich |
AP14872018 |
Part-time training in the conditions of digitalization of vocational education |
Research in the field of education and science |
Medetova Aigul Baktagaleevna |
AP08856374 |
Фундаментальные исследования в области биологии животных, растений и микроорганизмов; фундаментальные исследования |
Сергалиев Нурлан Хабибуллович |
AP08856195 |
Общность истории и культуры, литературы и языка, традиций и ценностей в условиях модернизации общества. |
Мутиев Зинулла Жаксылыкович |
AP08855684 |
Новое гуманитарное знание. Синергетические исследования в области гуманитарных наук. |
Алдашева Камар Сагингалиевна |
AP09563101 |
Духовные святыни Казахстана. Сакральная география Казахстана |
Нургалиева Агила Мустахимовна |