Katchekova A.B.Medical nurse

Talgatkyzy D.Medical nurse
Address: The medical center is located on the territory of the university, located on the 1st floor of the student dormitory No. 1 at 1B Studencheskaya str.
Phone: 8 (7112) 51 25 99
Medical services are provided from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with a lunch break from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Responsible for the timely performance of the following tasks by the medical department:
- provision of pre-hospital care.
- provision of emergency assistance for the availability of medicines
- Consultative reception of employees and students of higher educational institutions.
- Take note of the available equipment and outpatient treatment, taking into account the availability of specialists and specialists in the field
- as well as providing medical care by invitation (in academic buildings, dormitories).
- Organization of annual medical examinations of students in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the field of public health.
- Clinical observations of individual groups of students on chronic diseases and their rehabilitation.
- Implementation of healthcare in education (release, constant updating of information stands, lectures).
- Participation in public immunization events
- supervision of the sanitary and hygienic condition of dormitories and university canteens.