Center for marketing and career guidance

    Аманбаев А.С.

    Head of the center: Amanbaev Askar Sayinovich, candidate of historical sciences.

    Goals: Carrying out career guidance work with applicants

    Mission: Training highly qualified specialists using advanced training technologies and modern infrastructure for a positive impact in the development of education, economics, law, art and culture, assistance in choosing a future profession, creating an integrated learning environment in accordance with the needs of society.

    The main activities:

    • development of cooperation between the university in the field of career guidance and organization with educational authorities, secondary schools and institutions;

    • organization of systematic work on the vocational guidance of future university entrants;

    • Organization of various forms of mass work to prepare applicants for admission to a higher educational institution;

    • conducting an advertising campaign about the university and bringing it to interested parties;

    • development and organization of activities related to preparatory courses for UNT and CT;

    • coordination of activities of branches of university departments;

    • conducting PR events aimed at attracting applicants, an advertising campaign of the university;

    • providing advice on admission to WKSU.

    Address: Uralsk, Pr. Nazarbayev, 162, building number 1, office 414.

    Phone: 8 (7112) 50-44-20, website


    Our address

    Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk, N.Nazarbayev ave.162,

    tel/fax: +7 (7112) 51 26 32, +7 (7112) 51 42 66,

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