
Nurgaliyeva Agila Mustakhimovna – Orientalist, specialist in the history of islam in Kazakhstan, interconfessional relations. Doctor of historical sciences (2010).
Graduate from Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute K.D. Ushinsky (1973).
Scholar and teacher, author of 120 publications. In the scientific researches fruitfulness of use of various conceptual theories, categories and conception for the description of features of cultural self-identification of Kazakh society, problems of confessional state politics is proved. Methodical works distinguished by the novelty methods of teaching described in them.
In 2021, she supervised the scientific project IRNAP09563101 "Spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs of the near abroad (on the example of the regions of the Russian Federation bordering Western Kazakhstan)".
List of works
List of publications Doctor of Historical Sciences Nurgalieva A.M. for 2019-2022
In Web of Science/Scopus database publications:
- Nurgaliyeva Agila, Tasmagambetov Asset, Baibulsinova Alfiya. Complementary policy of the Russian Empire in the Kazakh Steppe in ethno-cultural and confessional spheres (XVIII-60s of XIX centuries). Bylye Gody. – 2022. – № 17(4). – Р. 1643-1653. DOI: 10.13187/bg.2022.4.1643 (in russ.)
- Agila M. Nurgaliyeva, Kenes A. Nourgaliev. Kazakh traditional riddles as a specific form of translation of cultural and historical experience. Cultural-Historical Psychology, Vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 59-69. DOI: (in russ.)
In edition recommended by CQAEA MES RK
- Nurgalieva A. M. Michele Delmedino's contribution in changing the historic appearance of Uralsk (1821-1831). Bulletin of WKSU. № 1. Р. С.270-276 (in russ.)
- Nurgalieva A. M. Sites of commemoration in the near abrod associated with Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly. National history. № 3. P. 24-32 (in russ.)
- A. Kaliyeva, А. M. Nurgaliyeva, A. Zh. Amen. Opinions of kazakhs in russian territory on monuments to sacred geography. Bulletin of KazNU. Psychology and sociology series. 2022. №1 (80). P. 102-111 (in kazakh)
In the collections of international conferences
- Nurgalieva A.M. How to make distance learning for students more effective? / Proceedings of the International Scientific Internet Conference "TENDENCIES AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION". Sat. scientific works. Pereyaslav, 2021. Issue. 67. P.108-111 (in russ.)
- Nurgalieva A.M., Esirkenova A.M. Forms of work with memorial places to expand and deepen the knowledge of schoolchildren on the history and culture of the Kazakh people / Modern science: topical issues, achievements and innovations: collection of articles of the XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Penza: ICNS "Science and Education", 2021. 132–135 (in russ.)
- Nurgalieva A.M. Joint work of scientific communities and public associations of Kazakhstan and Russia to create a cultural and geographical belt of shrines of the Kazakh people / Cross-border cooperation in the study and promotion of knowledge about the spiritual shrines of the Kazakhs: Mat. inter. scientific-practical. Conf. Uralsk: Publishing Center of ZKU, 2021. 3-8 (in russ.)
Study guides
- Nurgalieva A.M. Asia-Pacific region in the modern world. Tutorial. Uralsk: Publishing Center of ZKU, 2020. 163 p. (in russ.)
Student Publications
- Ayapbergen A., Makhambetova M., Merekekyzy S. (Scientific adviser: Nurgalieva A.M., Doctor of History). Arab state in Palestine. History and current situation / BEST STUDENT ARTICLE 2020: Collection of Articles of the VII International Research Competition. Penza,. 2020. P. 78-83
- Zhasylbekova K., Kadyrzhanova K. (Scientific adviser: Nurgalieva A.M., Doctor of History). From the experience of compiling rhymed texts on the history of the East / BEST STUDENT ARTICLE 2020: Collection of Articles of the VII International Research Competition. Penza,. 2020. P. 84-87. (in russ.)
On December 8, 2021, she took part in the work of the international round table with the report "The Mausoleum of Bokey Khan as an object of historical memory of double significance." There is a certificate of the honorary speaker of the event. The organizers of the event were: Saratov Regional Public Organization National-Cultural Center "Association of the Volga Kazakhs", Faculty of History, Economics and Law of the West Kazakhstan University named after M. Utemisov, Scientific and Educational Center for Cooperation with the CIS and Baltic States IIiMO Saratov State University named after N. .G.Chernyshevsky, Information and Analytical Center "Eurasian Initiative".