Master degree exam schedule

    6М011300 "Biology" 1 course (english)

    6М011300 "Biology" 1 course (1,5)

    6М011300 "Biology" 1 course (2)

    7М011300 "Biology" 1 курс (1 semester)

    6М060700 "Biology" 1 course (2)

    7М060700 "Biology" 1 course (1 semester)

    6М060800 "Ecology" 1 course (2)

    6М011200 "Chemistry" 1 course (1,5)

    6М011200 "Chemistry" 1 course (2)

    6М011600 "Geography" 1 course (1,5)

    6М011600 "Geography" 1 course (2)

    6М010800 "Physical education and sport" 1 course (1,5)

    6М010800 "Physical education and sport" 1 course (2)

    6М010900 "Mathematics" 1 course (2)

    6М011000 "Physics" 1 course (2)

    6М010200 "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" 1 course (2)

    6М010300 "Pedagogy and psychology" 1 course (1,5)

    6М010300 "Pedagogy and psychology" 1 course (2)

    7М010300 "Pedagogy and psychology" 1 course (1 semester)

    6М050300 "Psychology" 1 course (2)

    7М050300 "Psychology" 1 course (1 semester)

    6M051000 "State and local management" 1 course (1.5, Kazakh branch)

    6M051000 "State and local management" 1 course (1.5, Russian branch)

    6M051000 "State and local management" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6M011400 "History" 1 course (1.5, Kazakh branch)

    6M011400 "History" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6M011400 "History" 1 course (2, Russian branch)

    6M020300 "History" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М050700 "Management" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М050700 "Management" 1 course (2, Russian branch)

    6М050700 "Economy" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М050700 "Economy" 1 course (2, Russian branch)

    6М042100 Design 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М090600 "Cultural and leisure work" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М010600 "Musical education" 1 course (1.5, Kazakh branch)

    6М010600 "Musical education" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6М010600 "Musical education" 1 course (2, Russian branch)

    6M011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)

    6M011700 "Kazakh language and literature" 1 course (1.5, Kazakh branch)

    6M011700 "Kazakh language and literature" course 1 (2, Kazakh branch)

    6M011800 "Russian language and literature" course 1 (2, Russian branch)

    6M020500 "Philology: Kazakh language" 1 course (2, Kazakh branch)



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